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Alloknesis is an abnormal sensory state where stimuli that do not ordinarily evoke itch (such as the light touch of clothing) cause itch. [1]

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  1. Andersen, Hjalte Holm; Akiyama, Tasuku; Nattkemper, Leigh Ann; van Laarhoven, Antoinette; Elberling, Jesper; Yosipovitch, Gil; Arendt-Nielsen, Lars (July 2018). "Alloknesis and hyperknesis-mechanisms, assessment methodology, and clinical implications of itch sensitization". Pain. 159 (7): 1185–1197. doi:10.1097/j.pain.0000000000001220. hdl: 1887/73461 . ISSN   1872-6623. PMID   29659469. S2CID   4956447.