Amenhotep (Viceroy of Kush)

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Viceroy of Kush
Predecessor Usersatet
Successor Merymose
Dynasty 18th Dynasty
Pharaoh Thutmosis IV

Amenhotep was an ancient Egyptian official with the title king's son of Kush . In this function he was the main administrator of the Nubian provinces. Amenhotep was in office under Thutmosis IV. He appears with his main title in a rock inscription on the island of Sehel. Here he also bears the titles overseer of the cattle of Amun, overseer of works in Upper and Lower Egypt, chief of the stalls of his majesty, overseer of the southern foreign lands and king's scribe. [1] The inscription is not dated by a king's name. However, there is a stela in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford belonging to a king's son, overseer of the cattle of Amun and confidant of Kush, perhaps belonging to the same person. The stela shows the names of king Thutmosis IV. In case both monuments belong to the same person, Amenhotep was in office under this king. [2] Amenhotep is also known from a statue found at Deir el Medineh. [3]

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  1. Annie Gasse, Vincent Rondot: Les inscriptions de Séhel, Cairo 2007 ISBN   978-2-7247-0434-1, pp. 158-159, no. SEH 264
  2. Labib Habachi: Königssohn von Kusch, in: W. Helck, W. Westendorf (editors): Lexikon der Ägyptologie, III, Wiesbaden 1980 ISBN   3-447-02100-4, 632
  3. Wolfgang Helck: Urkunden der 18. Dynastie, Heft 18, Berlin 1956, pp. 1635-1637 (list of all monuments) online