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Amharization is the process seeking to establish the dominance of Amhara traditions, culture and language above over ethnic groups in Ethiopia. During the Imperial rule, Amhara enjoyed greater influence, from imposing Amharic language and culture to dominating Ethiopian politics. Amhara elites also aspired to build Ethiopian nation. Amhara dominance has been since during the Derg era until 1991. [1] [2] [3]


Tigrayan-led EPRDF regime supposed to end Amharization, implements ethnic federalism under the constitution. However, the constitution failed to solve long term protracted conflicts in the country and further heightened tension among ethnic groups. TPLF also used to divide and rule mechanism and Tigrayan priority in the poltics. [4] [5]


Amhara dominance enjoyed to extent degree during the Imperial era. For instance, under Emperor Haile Selassie regime, the process of Amharization took place by implementing Amharic language, culture, religion, and tradition. In 1967, the government imprisoned leaders of Mecha and Tulama Self-Help Association, an Oromo nationalist groups that also advocated for Ethiopian nationalism at that time. As crackdowns became tighter, Oromo nationalists grew densely, leading to the formation of Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) in 1973. [6] [7] The Amhara also exerted influence during the Derg era, advocating an "indivisible" Greater Ethiopian empire, despite being opposed by Eritrean nationalist and the ongoing civil war. The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party (EPRP), an Amhara-led organization composed about 3,000 to 5,000 fighters opposed the Tigrayan led EPRDF coalition. Amhara rule ended when EPRDF won victory against Mengistu's authority in 1991. [8] [9]

After the collapse of the Derg regime in May 1991, the FDRE constitution accorded the rights of assimilation of Amhara people on the basis of their language and culture (See Nations, Nationalities and Peoples). Julian Sommerschuh of the University of Hamburg in the Journal of Eastern African Studies published an article in April 2023 that claims Aari (also Ari) people in Southwest Ethiopia forcefully adopted Amhara culture and their religion, the Orthodox Christianity due to centuries-old humiliation and marginalization by Amhara. [10]

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The Nations, Nationalities and Peoples refers to Ethiopians with all ethnolinguistic groups mentioned in Article 39 of the 1995 Constitution. Under EPRDF rule, the FDRE Constitution was applied in 1994 and came to force in the following year. The article 39 explicitly mention the term into five sections. The language and culture of these ethnic groups that historically residing to their respective territories is recognized under ethnic federalism. In addition, the rights of self-determination is fully granted in Article 39(1). Since 2006, the Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Day is celebrated on 8 December of every year that includes festivals participating all ethnic groups gathering in every places and cities and showcase their music, traditionally attire and other entertainment.

Tigraynization is a process of making dominance and supremacy of the Tigray people. Tigraynization is manifested through the rule of TPLF-led EPRDF regime since 1991 when the current constitution of Ethiopia provided equality among ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Ethiopians viewed TPLF operative as clandestine government to benefit Tigrayan people.


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