Andrew De La Pena

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Andrew De La Pena
Born1986 (age 3738)

Andrew De La Pena was five months old when he received a new heart in 1986 at Stanford University School of Medicine, in an operation led by Norman Shumway. Edward Stinson led the donor team and the donor heart was flown to Stanford on a 2-seater fighter plane with the pilot only, that is without the donor team. The story made headlines and was published in the New York Times Magazine and then picked up by Reader's Digest who published an article entitled "A New Heart for Andrew" in 1988. He later survived Hodgkins Lymphoma and Hurricane Katrina and at the age of 32, was reunited with the donor parents. [1] [2] [3] [4]

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  1. A new heart for Andrew. Reader's Digest Association. 1988. p. 66.
  2. Morken, Mike (31 October 2016). "30 Year Anniversary Heart Transplant". Valley News Live. Retrieved 26 August 2018.
  3. Miller, John (9 September 2018). "'A parent's worst nightmare' turns into miracle of life: 32 years later, heart transplant recipient reunites with donor's parents". Inforum. Retrieved 26 August 2018.
  4. Korman, Joshua (20 September 1987). "Racing for Life". The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved 26 August 2018.