Aneta Stodolna

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Aneta Sylwia Stodolna is a Polish physicist known for being the first person to successfully use a quantum microscope to image electrons in a hydrogen atom.

Stodolna earned her Ph.D. from Radboud University in 2014. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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, H+, or 1H+ with a positive electric charge of +1 e (elementary charge). Its mass is slightly less than the mass of a neutron and 1,836 times the mass of an electron (the proton-to-electron mass ratio). Protons and neutrons, each with masses of approximately one atomic mass unit, are jointly referred to as "nucleons" (particles present in atomic nuclei).

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with a half-life of 806.92(24) milliseconds. The least stable is 10
, with a half-life of 260(40) yoctoseconds, although it is possible that 2
may have an even shorter half-life.

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Quantum microscopy allows microscopic properties of matter and quantum particles to be measured and imaged. Various types of microscopy use quantum principles. The first microscope to do so was the scanning tunneling microscope, which paved the way for development of the photoionization microscope and the quantum entanglement microscope.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Photek Ltd</span>

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  1. "Snapshots of atoms make it into physics textbooks" . Retrieved 2017-08-26.
  2. "Smile, hydrogen atom, you're on quantum camera". New Scientist. Retrieved 2017-08-26.
  3. Stodolna, A. S.; Rouzée, A.; Lépine, F.; Cohen, S.; Robicheaux, F.; Gijsbertsen, A.; Jungmann, J. H.; Bordas, C.; Vrakking, M. J. J. (2013-05-20). "Hydrogen Atoms under Magnification: Direct Observation of the Nodal Structure of Stark States" (PDF). Physical Review Letters. 110 (21): 213001. Bibcode:2013PhRvL.110u3001S. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.213001 . PMID   23745864.
  4. "'Quantum microscope' peers into the hydrogen atom -". 23 May 2013. Retrieved 2017-08-26.
  5. "Cosmic neutrinos named Physics World 2013 Breakthrough of the Year -". 13 December 2013. Retrieved 2017-08-26.