Arms Control Association

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Arms Control Association logo

The Arms Control Association is a United States-based nonpartisan membership organization founded in 1971, with the self-stated mission of "promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies." [1]


The group publishes the monthly magazine Arms Control Today. [2] It contains topical news updates as well as extended, footnoted articles.


Through its online content, print materials, and events, the Arms Control Association provides policymakers, media, and the interested public with information, analysis and commentary on arms control proposals, negotiations and agreements, and related national security issues. [1]

Staff and funding

The Arms Control Association is supported by grants from the Ploughshares Fund, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Colombe Foundation, the New Land Foundation, the Prospect Hill Foundation], the Stewart R. Mott Foundation, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. [3] As of 2018, its staff includes: [3]

In addition, there are two Fellows:

The Association hosts 3–4 interns during the spring, summer, and fall academic semesters, as well as a Scoville Fellow when selected as the host organization. [5]

See also

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  1. 1 2 "About the Arms Control Association | Arms Control Association". Retrieved 2013-10-27.
  2. "Arms Control Today, October 2013 | Arms Control Association". Archived from the original on 2013-10-14. Retrieved 2013-10-27.
  3. 1 2 "About the Arms Control Association". Arms Control Association. Retrieved 2013-10-27.
  4. Gladstone, Rick; Krauss, Clifford (16 October 2018). "Saudis Issued Dire Warnings Against U.S. Sanctions. But How Much Leverage Do They Have?". The New York Times. Retrieved 16 October 2018.
  5. "Internships with the Arms Control Association". Arms Control Association. Retrieved 2018-01-05.