Army of Robert II of Flanders on the First Crusade

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Robert II of Flanders' army was formed shortly after that of his kinsman Godfrey of Bouillon, arriving in Constantinople considerably later. [1] His wife Clementia of Burgundy was regent of Flanders in his absence. The known members of the army, mostly Flemish, included the ones listed below, as reported in histories of the First Crusade. Unless otherwise noted, references are to the on-line database of Riley-Smith, et al., [2] and the hyperlinks therein provide details including original sources. The names below are also referenced in the Riley-Smith tome, Appendix I: Preliminary List of Crusaders. [3] Those references are not shown unless they appear elsewhere in the text of the book. Articles that are hyperlinked to a more detailed article in this encyclopædia rely on the latter for references.


Household of Robert

Among those from Robert’s household included the following:


As is true with all the armies, a large number of clergy accompanied the army, including:

Knights and other combatants

The known combatants in the army were:

The battles of the army of Robert II

The many battles that Robert and his army participated in are documented in the article Robert II, Count of Flanders.


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  1. Runciman, S. (1949). The First Crusaders' Journey across the Balkan Peninsula. Byzantion, 19, 207–221.
  2. "A Database of Crusaders to the Holy Land: The Army of Robert II".
  3. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders: 1095–1131.
  4. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 99, 204.
  5. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 141, fn 238.
  6. Winrich of Flanders. A Database of Crusaders to the Holy Land, 1095–1149.
  7. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 87, note 36, pg 141, note 238.
  8. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 87, note 36.
  9. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 87, note 36.
  10. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. p. 151.
  11. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 63–65, 74, 122–3.
  12. Gilbert of Bruges. See Sources. pp. 58, fn 172.
  13. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 19, 219.
  14. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. p. 120.
  15. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 86, 151–2, 208.
  16. Riley-Smith, Jonathan (April 2003). The First Crusade and the Idea of Crusading. ISBN   9780826484314.
  17. Riley-Smith, Jonathan. The First Crusaders. pp. 141, note 238.