Ash Asudeh

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Arshia Asudeh, known as Ash Asudeh, is a Canadian linguist specialising in semantics, syntax and cognitive science, and based at Carleton University and the University of Oxford; in 2016, the latter awarded him the title of Professor of Semantics.



Ash Asudeh graduated from Carleton University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in cognitive science in 1996, before completing a two-year MPhil at the University of Edinburgh with a thesis entitled Anaphora and argument structure: topics in the syntax and semantics of reflexives and reciprocals. Between 1998 and 2004, he completed a PhD at the Department of Linguistics at Stanford University, successfully defending a thesis on Resumption as resource management. For the following academic year, he lectured at the University of Canterbury, Christchurch; he was an assistant professor (2006–10) and then associate professor (since 2010) at Carleton University. In 2011, he took up a post as lecturer at the University of Oxford's Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics, and joined Jesus College, Oxford, as a fellow. [1] [2] In 2016, the University of Oxford awarded him the title of Professor of Semantics. [3]


Asudeh's research focuses on semantics, pragmatics, syntax, cognitive science, computational linguistics, language and logic. His published works include: [4]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Dirk Geeraerts</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Distributional semantics</span> Field of linguistics

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Formal semantics is the study of grammatical meaning in natural languages using formal tools from logic, mathematics and theoretical computer science. It is an interdisciplinary field, sometimes regarded as a subfield of both linguistics and philosophy of language. It provides accounts of what linguistic expressions mean and how their meanings are composed from the meanings of their parts. The enterprise of formal semantics can be thought of as that of reverse-engineering the semantic components of natural languages' grammars.

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In linguistics, the syntax–semantics interface is the interaction between syntax and semantics. Its study encompasses phenomena that pertain to both syntax and semantics, with the goal of explaining correlations between form and meaning. Specific topics include scope, binding, and lexical semantic properties such as verbal aspect and nominal individuation, semantic macroroles, and unaccusativity.

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  1. "Curriculum Vitae: Arshia (Ash) Asudeh" (13 July 2016), pp. 1–2. Retrieved 22 January 2017.
  2. "Professor Ash Asudeh" Archived 2017-01-13 at the Wayback Machine , Jesus College, Oxford. Retrieved 22 January 2017.
  3. "Recognition of Distinction: Successful Applicants 2016" Archived 2018-03-26 at the Wayback Machine , The University of Oxford Gazette, no. 5143, vol. 147, 29 September 2016. Retrieved 21 January 2017.
  4. "Professor Ash Asudeh" Archived 2017-02-02 at the Wayback Machine , Brasenose College, Oxford. Retrieved 22 January 2017.