Association of College Honor Societies

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Association of College Honor Societies
Association of College Honor Societies logo.png
FoundedDecember 30, 1925;99 years ago (1925-12-30)
Type Umbrella
Emphasis Honor societies
ScopeNorth America
Members65 societies active
Headquarters30 North Gould Street #29147
Sheridan , Wyoming
United States

The Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) is a voluntary association of national collegiate and post-graduate honor societies. It was established on December 30, 1925 by six organizations, including Alpha Omega Alpha, the Order of the Coif, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, and Tau Beta Pi.



The Association of College Honor Societies (ACHS) was formed in 1925 to create a network of affiliated societies and promote standards for scholarship and leadership on campus. The founding societies intended to establish and maintain desirable standards for groups wishing to call themselves honor societies. These standards included criteria for membership, governance, and chapter operation. [1]

Representatives of Alpha Omega Alpha, the Order of the Coif, Phi Beta Kappa, and Sigma Xi attended its preliminary meeting held on October 2, 1925. When ACHS was officially established on December 30, 1925, its founding members were Alpha Omega Alpha, the Order of the Coif, Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi, Sigma Xi, and Tau Beta Pi. [2]

Since then, more than 65 honors societies have joined ACHS, becoming an international organization. [3] However, not all legitimate honor societies apply for membership in ACHS. ACHS coordinates member organizations and facilitates communications between them. It also provides both scholarships to members of its member organizations. [4]

The honor society standards set by the Association of College Honor Societies are mentioned by the U.S. government's Office of Personnel Management for entry into government employment at GS-7 Level: "Applicants can be considered eligible based on membership in one of the national scholastic honor societies listed... by the Association of College Honor Societies. Agencies considering eligibility based on any society not included in the following list must ensure that the honor society meets the minimum requirements of the Association of College Honor Societies." [5]

In 2024, ACHS had 65 active member societies located in North America. Its headquarters are at 30 North Gould Street #29147 in Sheridan, Wyoming.

List of member organizations

As of 2024, 65 organizations are affiliated with the ACHS. [6] [7] [8]

SocietyGreek lettersDisciplineFoundedJoined ACHSReferences
Alpha Beta Gamma ΑΒΓBusiness and Professional Studies19701996
Alpha Chi ΑΧAll Academic FieldsFebruary 22, 1922February 1955
Alpha Epsilon ΑΕAgricultural, Food, and Biological EngineeringMay 14, 19591968 (Associate);
1970 (Full)
Alpha Epsilon Delta ΑΕΔPremedicalApril 28, 1926April 22, 1945 [9]
Alpha Epsilon Rho ΑΕΡElectronic MediaApril 30, 19432009 [10] [a]
Alpha Eta Mu Beta ΑΗΜΒBiomedical Engineering and BioengineeringMarch 15, 19792013
Alpha Iota Delta ΑΙΔDecision, Information, and Operations Sciences19712009
Alpha Kappa Delta ΑΚΔSociologyNovember 21, 19201967
Alpha Kappa Mu ΑΚΜGeneral ScholarshipNovember 26, 19371952
Alpha Lambda Delta ΑΛΔFirst-year Success/FreshmenMay 31, 19241939
Alpha Phi Sigma ΑΦΣCriminal JusticeJanuary 19421981
Alpha Pi Mu ΑΠΜIndustrial EngineeringJanuary 5, 1949February 1952 (Associate);
February 1959 (Full)
Alpha Sigma Lambda ΑΣΛContinuing Education and Lifelong Learning19462011
Alpha Sigma Mu ΑΣΜMaterials Science and EngineeringJanuary 19321965
Alpha Sigma Nu ΑΣΝGeneral Scholarship - Jesuit Institutions of Higher EducationJune 4, 19151975 [b]
Beta Gamma Sigma ΒΓΣBusiness and ManagementFebruary 19, 1913February 27, 1937;
1990 (Readmitted)
Beta Kappa Chi ΒΚΧNatural Sciences and MathematicsJanuary 31, 19231961
Beta Phi Mu ΒΦΜLibrary and Information Studies and Information TechnologyAugust 19481969
Chi Sigma Iota ΧΣΙCounselingJanuary 1, 19852001
Delta Epsilon Sigma ΔΕΣGeneral Scholarship in Colleges and Universities with a Catholic TraditionApril 13, 19391967
Delta Mu Delta ΔΜΔBusiness AdministrationNovember 18, 19131963
Epsilon Pi Phi ΕΠΦEmergency Management20062017
Epsilon Pi Tau ΕΠΤProfessions in TechnologyMarch 13, 19292005
Gamma Theta Upsilon ΓΘΥGeographyMay 15, 19311976
Kappa Mu Epsilon ΚΜΕMathematicsApril 18, 19311968
Kappa Omicron Nu ΚΟΝHuman SciencesFebruary 21, 1990February 25, 1951 [12] [c]
Kappa Tau Alpha ΚΤΑJournalism and Mass CommunicationMarch 10, 1910February 25, 1951 [12]
Lambda Pi Eta ΛΠΗCommunication1985February 1996 [13]
Lambda Sigma ΛΣStudent Leadership, Scholarship and ServiceNovember 7, 19221981 [d]
Mortar Board Scholarship, Leadership, and ServiceFebruary 15, 1918February 27, 1937
Mu Kappa Tau ΜΚΤMarketing19661996
National Society of Collegiate Scholars Scholarship, Leadership, and ServiceApril 30, 19942004
Omega Chi Epsilon ΩΧΕChemical EngineeringSpring 19311967
Omega Rho ΩΡOperations Research, and Management ScienceApril 1, 19761983 (Associate);
1986 (Full)
Omicron Delta Epsilon ΟΔΕEconomicsJanuary 1, 19631965;
1981 (Readmitted)
Phi Alpha ΦΑSocial Work1962January 2019
Phi Alpha Theta ΦΑΘHistoryMarch 17, 1921April 22, 1945 –2012;
2017 (Readmitted)
Phi Beta Delta ΦΒΔInternational EducationFebruary 27, 19862013 [14]
Phi Eta Sigma ΦΗΣFreshman ScholarshipMarch 22, 1923February 27, 1937 – 2011;
2018 (Readmitted)
Phi Lambda Sigma ΦΛΣPharmacy LeadershipMarch 19652018 [15]
Phi Sigma ΦΣBiological Sciences, All Pure and Applied FieldsMarch 17, 19151950
Phi Sigma Iota ΦΣΙForeign Language, Literature, and CulturesOctober 19221950
Phi Sigma Tau ΦΣΤPhilosophyOctober 21, 19551958 [10]
Phi Upsilon Omicron ΦΥΟFamily and Consumer SciencesFebruary 10, 19091979
Pi Delta Phi ΠΔΦFrench19061967
Pi Gamma Mu ΠΓΜSocial SciencesDecember 1, 19241953
Pi Kappa Lambda ΠΚΛMusicMay 17, 1918February 24, 1940 [9]
Pi Sigma Alpha ΠΣΑPolitical ScienceOctober 1, 19201949
Pi Tau Sigma ΠΤΣMechanical EngineeringMarch 16, 1915March 1, 1947
Pi Theta Epsilon ΠΘΕOccupational Therapy1959February 1996 [16]
Psi Beta ΨΒPsychology at Two-Year CollegesNovember 5, 19811994
Psi Chi ΨΧPsychologySeptember 4, 19291965
Rho Chi ΡΧPharmacyMay 19, 1922March 1, 1947
Sigma Beta Delta ΣΒΔBusiness, Management, and AdministrationJanuary 16, 19941994
Sigma Delta Pi ΣΔΠSpanishNovember 14, 19191966
Sigma Lambda Alpha ΣΛΑLandscape ArchitectureSeptember 24, 19771983 (Associate);
1986 (Full)
Sigma Lambda Chi ΣΛΧConstruction Management TechnologyApril 30, 19491991
Sigma Pi Sigma ΣΠΣPhysics and AstronomyDecember 11, 19211945 [9]
Sigma Tau Delta ΣΤΔEnglish Language and LiteratureDecember 12, 19221972 [10]
Sigma Theta Tau ΣΘΤNursingOctober 4, 19221959
Tau Beta Pi ΤΒΠEngineeringJune 15, 1885December 30, 1925 [e]
Tau Sigma Delta ΤΣΔArchitecture and Allied ArtsMay 1913February 28, 1948 [18]
Theta Alpha Kappa ΘΑΚReligious Studies and TheologyFall 19761985 (Associate);
1986 (Full)
Upsilon Pi Epsilon ΥΠΕComputing and Information DisciplinesJanuary 10, 19671997 [19]
Xi Sigma Pi ΞΣΠForestryNovember 24, 19081966–1999;
2017 (Readmitted)
  1. Founded as Beta Epsilon Phi on December 1, 1941.
  2. Merged with Gamma Pi Epsilon March 30, 1973.
  3. Kappa Omicron Nu founded in 1990 through consolidation of Omicron Nu (founded April 1912) and Kappa Omicron Phi (founded December 11, 1922)). (Omicron Nu admitted to ACHS 1951, readmitted 1968, Kappa Omicron Phi admitted 1972)
  4. November 7, 1922 as Cwens, March 6, 1976 as Lambda Sigma
  5. Association of College Honor Societies founding organization.

Former members

While the Association of College Honor Societies remains the largest trade association of honor societies, some former members have resigned from ACHS membership to operate independently. Of these, several have emerged into successor groups that remain part of the ACHS or have gone dormant.

Recently, four of the oldest independent honor societies, including three of the original six founding members of the ACHS, have formed a new coordinating organization called the Honor Society Caucus. [20] [21]

SocietyGreek lettersDisciplineFoundedJoined ACHSLeft ACHSStatusReferences
Alpha Delta Mu ΑΔΜSocial WorkFall 19761983 (Associate);
1986 (Full)
February 9, 2007Independent [22] [23]
Alpha Omega Alpha ΑΩΑMedicalAugust 25, 1902December 30, 192519771998Independent [10] [a]
Chi Epsilon ΧΕCivil EngineeringMay 22, 192219532023Independent [10] [b]
Delta Phi Delta ΔΦΔArtJanuary 10, 1909196119771988Independent [10] [c]
Delta Sigma Rho ΔΣΡForensicsApril 13, 1906February 1955August 18, 1963Merged into Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha [24] [d]
Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha ΔΣΡ-ΤΚΑForensicsAugust 18, 1963February 27, 1937 (ΤΚΑ);
February 1955 (ΔΣΡ)
November 2013–January 2014Independent [24] [d]
Delta Tau Alpha ΔΤΑAgricultureMarch 19, 196019922023
Eta Kappa Nu ΗΚΝElectrical and Computer EngineeringOctober 28, 1904March 1, 19472008Independent
Golden Key GeneralNovember 29, 19772005December 31, 2013Independent [3]
Iota Sigma Pi ΙΣΠWomen in the sciences, especially chemistry1900 or 1902February 195519571963Independent [10] [25]
Kappa Delta Pi ΚΔΠEducationMarch 8, 191119742008Independent
Lambda Iota Tau ΛΙΤLiterature of all LanguagesDecember 3, 195319652015Merged with Sigma Tau Delta [25]
National Collegiate Players/Pi Epsilon Delta ΠΕΔTheatre HonorsJune 8, 1919196319771988Independent
Omicron Delta Kappa ΟΔΚLeadership and ScholarshipDecember 3, 1914March 3, 19302005Honor Society Caucus
Omicron Nu ΟΝHuman SciencesApril 23, 1912February 25, 1951;
1968 (Readmitted)
1990Merged into Kappa Omicron Nu
Order of the Coif Law1902December 30, 192519471957Independent [26] [a]
Phi Beta Kappa ΦΒΚLiberal ArtsDecember 5, 1776December 30, 1925December 15, 1937Honor Society Caucus [9] [a]
Phi Kappa Phi ΦΚΦAll FieldsMarch 15, 1897December 30, 192520062007Honor Society Caucus [a]
Pi Alpha Alpha ΠΑΑPublic Affairs and Administration19741983 (Associate);
1984 (Full)
Pi Omega Pi ΠΩΠBusiness Education TeachersJune 13, 192319652023
Scabbard and Blade, National Society ofReserve Officer Training CorpsFall 190420102022Independent
Sigma Gamma Tau ΣΓΤAerospace EngineeringFebruary 28, 1953February 27, 19652001Independent [27]
Sigma Tau ΣΤEngineeringFebruary 24, 1904March 3, 19301963Merged into Tau Beta Pi [10] [e]
Sigma Xi ΣΞScientific ResearchNovember 1886December 30, 19251933Honor Society Caucus [10] [a]
Tau Alpha Pi ΤΑΠEngineering Technology195320002023
Tau Kappa Alpha ΤΚΑForensicsMay 13, 1908February 27, 1937August 18, 1963Merged into Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha [24] [d]
  1. 1 2 3 4 5 Association of College Honor Societies founding organization.
  2. Founded by two groups of civil engineering students at the University of Illinois in 1922.
  3. Founded as Pallet Club at U of Kansas on January 10, 1909. On May 28, 1912, plans for a national organization were completed, Delta Phi Delta adapted as name
  4. 1 2 3 Delta Sigma Rho and Tau Kappa Alpha merged on August 18, 1963, to form Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha.
  5. Merged with Tau Beta Pi in 1974.

See also


  1. "Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education". Retrieved 10 August 2015.
  2. Anchora of Delta Gamma January 1929
  3. 1 2 "History". Association of College Honor Societies. Retrieved 2024-04-26.
  4. "ACHS Partners and Scholarships". Retrieved 2024-04-26.
  5. "General Schedule Qualifications". Office of Personnel Management. U.S. Government. Retrieved 10 August 2015.
  6. "Certified Societies (Member Directory)". Association of College Honor Societies. Archived from the original on 2024-10-08. Retrieved 2025-02-04.
  7. "Certified Societies (Member Directory)". Association of College Honor Societies. Archived from the original on 2024-10-08. Retrieved 2025-02-04.
  8. William Raimond Baird (1957). Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities. G. Banta Company.
  9. 1 2 3 4 5 Maurice L. Moore. "Historical Information".
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 William Raimond Baird (1991). Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities. Baird's Manual Foundation, Incorporated.
  11. "About Alpha Pi Mu". Archived from the original on 2018-06-12. Retrieved 2018-06-12.
  12. 1 2 The Biologist. Phi Sigma Society. 1950. p. 135.
  13. Sample Induction Ceremony for Honors Membership in Lambda Pi Eta
  14. Oswego - Phi Beta Delta
  15. "Fifty years of leadership". Archived from the original on 30 June 2020. Retrieved 18 July 2018.
  16. "Pi Theta Membership Handbook" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-09-11. Retrieved 2018-09-11.
  17. Michael Richard Hodges and Miriam Easton Rutz, "An Historical Summary of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture", Landscape Journal, Vol. 16, No. 1 (Spring 1997), pp. 108–114.
  18. Tau Sigma Delta Mss.0345 Records of the Grand Chapter Recorder
  19. Upsilon Pi Epsilon Initiation Ceremony
  20. "Honors Societies - Honors College - Purdue University". Retrieved 2021-09-06.
  21. "Honor Society Caucus | Honor Society". Retrieved 2021-10-22.
  22. "Alpha Delta Mu Social Work National Honor Society – North Carolina A&T State University". Archived from the original on 2017-09-23. Retrieved 2017-09-23.
  23. "ACHS History: Promoting Honor Since 1925". Association of College Honor Societies. Archived from the original on 2014-08-31. Retrieved 2025-02-05 via Wayback Machine.
  24. 1 2 3 "Delta Sigma Rho - Tau Kappa Alpha Honor Society - Forensics". Association of College Honor Societies. February 11, 2006. Archived from the original on 2007-04-08. Retrieved 2025-02-05 via
  25. 1 2 Iota Sigma Pi -About
  26. National conference on college fraternities and societies 1947
  27. University of Texas - Cactus Yearbook 1968 p 302