Atomic Energy Act 1946

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Atomic Energy Act 1946
Coat of arms of the United Kingdom (1901-1952).svg
Long title An Act to provide for the development of atomic energy and the control of such development, and for purposes connected therewith.
Introduced byClement Attlee (Prime Minister) 8 October 1946 (Second Reading) (Commons)
Royal assent 6 November 1946
Status: Amended

The Atomic Energy Act 1946 (9 & 10 Geo. 6, c. 80) is an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom which vested in the Minister of Supply the power to control and promote the development of Atomic Energy in the UK.


For United States legislation see Atomic Energy Act of 1946.


Following the pioneering development of atomic energy, and the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it was thought expedient to vest the control of the development and production of atomic energy in the UK government. [1] The primary concern was national security: the power of atomic energy could be used to jeopardise the safety of the state. The Act gave the government control over what was envisaged to became a wide field of industrial activity, and to protect the country from the danger of a possible hostile attack. [1]


Long title: ‘An Act to provide for the development of atomic energy and the control of such development, and for purposes connected therewith.’ [2]

The Act received Royal Assent on 6th November 1946. [2]

The Act comprises 21 Sections under six headings plus two Schedules: [2]

General Functions of Minister of Supply

Powers to obtain information and to inspect

Power to search for and work minerals and acquire property

Control of production and use of atomic energy and publication of information

Special provisions as to inventions

General Provisions


See also

Atomic Energy Authority Act

Atomic Energy Research Establishment

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  1. 1 2 "Hansard, Atomic Energy Bill 1946" . Retrieved 20 September 2024.
  2. 1 2 3 "Atomic Energy Act 1946" . Retrieved 20 September 2024.