Battista Mario Salvatore Ricca

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Battista Mario Salvatore Ricca (born 22 January 1956) is prelate of the Vatican Bank. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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Ricca may refer to:


  1. "Pope Francis appoints prelate to oversee Vatican bank". BBC News. 2013-06-16. Retrieved 2015-05-28.
  2. "New Vatican bank official reportedly part of 'gay lobby'". Catholic News Agency (CNA). Retrieved 2015-05-28.
  3. "Mons. Battista Mario Salvatore Ricca is the new secretary of the Institute for the Works of Religion, IOR, also famously known as Vatican Bank". Vatican Radio. 2013-06-15. Retrieved 2015-05-28.
  4. "Allo Ior nominato Monsignor Ricca fedelissimo di Papa Francesco". la Repubblica . 2013-06-15. Retrieved 2015-05-28.
  5. "Can a New Banker Clean Up the Vatican's Money Mess? - Businessweek". 2013-06-17. Retrieved 2015-05-28.