Beet distortion mosaic virus

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Beet distortion mosaic virus
Virus classification
Group IV ((+)ssRNA)
Beet distortion mosaic virus


Beet distortion mosaic virus is a plant pathogenic virus.

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<i>Potyvirus</i> Genus of positive-strand RNA viruses in the family Potyviridae

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">UPSK RNA</span>

The Upstream pseudoknot (UPSK) domain is an RNA element found in the turnip yellow mosaic virus, beet virus Q, barley stripe mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus, which is thought to be needed for efficient transcription. Disruption of the pseudoknot structure gives rise to a 50% drop in transcription efficiency. This element acts in conjunction with the Tymovirus/Pomovirus tRNA-like 3' UTR element to enhance translation.

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Beet mosaic virus (BtMV) is a plant pathogenic virus of the family Potyviridae.

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<i>Cucumber mosaic virus</i> Species of virus

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<i>Benyvirus</i> Genus of viruses

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<i>Squash mosaic virus</i> Species of virus

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<i>Caulimovirus</i> Genus of viruses

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