Bernstein's theorem (approximation theory)

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In approximation theory, Bernstein's theorem is a converse to Jackson's theorem. [1] The first results of this type were proved by Sergei Bernstein in 1912. [2]

For approximation by trigonometric polynomials, the result is as follows:

Let f: [0, 2π] → C be a 2π-periodic function, and assume r is a natural number, and 0 < α < 1. If there exists a number C(f) > 0 and a sequence of trigonometric polynomials {Pn}nn0 such that

then f = Pn0 + φ, where φ has a bounded r-th derivative which is α-Hölder continuous.

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  1. Achieser, N.I. (1956). Theory of Approximation. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co.
  2. Bernstein, S.N. (1952). Collected works, 1. Moscow. pp. 11–104.