In cryptography, black-box obfuscation was a proposed cryptographic primitive which would allow a computer program to be obfuscated in a way such that it was impossible to determine anything about it except its input and output behavior. [1] Black-box obfuscation has been proven to be impossible, even in principle. [2]
Barak et al. constructed a family of unobfuscatable programs, for which an efficient attacker can always learn more from any obfuscated code than from black-box access. [2] [3]
Broadly, they start by engineering a special pair of programs that cannot be obfuscated together. For some randomly selected strings of a fixed, pre-determined length , define one program to be one that computes
and the other program to one that computes
(Here, interprets its input as the code for a Turing machine. The second condition in the definition of is to prevent the function from being uncomputable.)
If an efficient attacker only has black-box access, Barak et al. argued, then the attacker only has an exponentially small chance of guessing the password , and so cannot distinguish the pair of programs from a pair where is replaced by some program that always outputs "0". However, if the attacker has access to any obfuscated implementations of , then the attacker will find with probability 1, whereas the attacker will always find unless (which should happen with negligible probability). This means that the attacker can always distinguish the pair from the pair with obfuscated code access, but not black-box access. Since no obfuscator can prevent this attack, Barak et al. conclude that no black-box obfuscator for pairs of programs exists. [2] [3]
To conclude the argument, Barak et al. define a third program to implement the functionality of the two previous:
Since equivalently efficient implementations of can be recovered from one of by hardwiring the value of , Barak et al. conclude that cannot be obfuscated either, which concludes their argument. [2]
In their paper, Barak et al. also prove the following (conditional to appropriate cryptographic assumptions): [2]
In their original paper exploring black-box obfuscation, Barak et al. defined two weaker notions of cryptographic obfuscation which they did not rule out: indistinguishability obfuscation and extractability obfuscation (which they called "differing-inputs obfuscation".) Informally, an indistinguishability obfuscator should convert input programs with the same functionality into output programs such that the outputs cannot be efficiently related to the inputs by a bounded attacker, and an extractability obfuscator should be an obfuscator such that if the efficient attacker could relate the outputs to the inputs for any two programs, then the attacker could also produce an input such that the two programs being obfuscated produce different outputs. (Note that an extractability obfuscator is necessarily an indistinguishability obfuscator.) [2] [4]
As of 2020 [update] , a candidate implementation of indistinguishability obfuscation is under investigation. [5] In 2013, Boyle et al. explored several candidate implementations of extractability obfuscation. [4]
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In cryptography, higher-order differential cryptanalysis is a generalization of differential cryptanalysis, an attack used against block ciphers. While in standard differential cryptanalysis the difference between only two texts is used, higher-order differential cryptanalysis studies the propagation of a set of differences between a larger set of texts. Xuejia Lai, in 1994, laid the groundwork by showing that differentials are a special case of the more general case of higher order derivates. Lars Knudsen, in the same year, was able to show how the concept of higher order derivatives can be used to mount attacks on block ciphers. These attacks can be superior to standard differential cryptanalysis. Higher-order differential cryptanalysis has notably been used to break the KN-Cipher, a cipher which had previously been proved to be immune against standard differential cryptanalysis.
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In cryptography, indistinguishability obfuscation is a type of software obfuscation with the defining property that obfuscating any two programs that compute the same mathematical function results in programs that cannot be distinguished from each other. Informally, such obfuscation hides the implementation of a program while still allowing users to run it. Formally, iO satisfies the property that obfuscations of two circuits of the same size which implement the same function are computationally indistinguishable.
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In cryptography, the branch number is a numerical value that characterizes the amount of diffusion introduced by a vectorial Boolean function F that maps an input vector a to output vector . For the (usual) case of a linear F the value of the differential branch number is produced by: