Black stomach

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Black stomach is a condition that results from acute gastric necrosis. The tarry black colour is produced by the coagulative necrosis of mucosa resulting in intramucosal haemorrhage and acid hematin deposition. This condition was first described in a patient with acid poisoning. [1] A similar condition has been described in acute esophageal necrosis due to mucosal ischemia resulting from hemodynamic compromise. [2]

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Caustic ingestion occurs when someone accidentally or deliberately ingests a caustic or corrosive substance. Depending on the nature of the substance, the duration of exposure and other factors it can lead to varying degrees of damage to the oral mucosa, the esophagus, and the lining of the stomach.


  1. Grifson JJ, T Perungo, A Amudhan, D Bennet, R Prabhakaran, SM Chandramohan, L Anand, DG Kannan.Black Stomach.JCR 2016;6:44-46
  2. Gurvits, Grigoriy E. “Black Esophagus: Acute Esophageal Necrosis Syndrome.” World Journal of Gastroenterology 16.26 (2010): 3219–3225.