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Silver denarius minted in Bolskan. Bolscan Huesca denario 22964.jpg
Silver denarius minted in Bolskan.
Silver denarius minted in Bolskan. Osca denarius.jpg
Silver denarius minted in Bolskan.

Bolskan was an Iberian city located in the territory of the Vescetani (an Iberian tribe) in north-eastern Spain about 65 km north of the Ebro River. [1] It was on the site that is now occupied by the city of Huesca, in the Iberian Peninsula.

The territory occupied by the Vescetani was destroyed by Roman Praetor Terentius Varro C. in 179 BC, which saw the refoundation of the once-Iberian city, with the new name of Osca.

Bolskan is famous for its ancient mint, and its abundant coins include an issue that includes an unidentified bearded male facing right on the obverse and a horseman carrying a spear and the name of the city in an Iberian inscription on the reverse. [2] The coins of Bolskan changed in 37 BC, when the city was refounded as Osca. They now include dthe Latin inscriptions OSCA on the obverse and DOM. COS. ITER. IMP on the reverse, which were Denari in denomination. [3] The coins of both Bolskan and Osca are found within the Iberian coin collections of the British Museum [4]

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  1. See Barrington Atlas of Greek and Roman World Map 25, D3.
  2. See Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (SNG) Vol. IX. The British Museum 2. Spain. No's 695-753
  3. See Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (SNG) Vol IX. The British Museum 2. Spain. No's 754-757
  4. See Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum (SNG) Vol IX The British Museum 2. Spain.