Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution

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Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution
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The Office for the Protection of the Constitution of Brandenburg is the Brandenburg state authority for the protection of the constitution. In organizational terms, it is a department of the Ministry of the Interior and for Local Affairs of the State of Brandenburg and thus not an independent authority like in other federal states. Its headquarters are in Potsdam.



Ernst Uhrlau, the later president of the Federal Intelligence Service, was involved in setting up the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Brandenburg in 1991. [1]

As of December 31, 2021, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution had approximately 119 employees and a total of 1.69 million euros in material resources at its disposal in the 2020 financial year. [2]


1991–1996 Wolfgang Pfaff [3] From 1979 to 1991, he was the top terrorist investigator for the Federal Prosecutor's Office in Karlsruhe. His wife Waltraud committed suicide in June 1999. As a criminal director in the Brandenburg Ministry of the Interior, she headed the department for counter-espionage and sect control.
1996 – Oktober 1998Hans-Jürgen Förster [4] 2000–2008 permanent representative of the head of the Internal Security Department in the Federal Ministry of the Interior. From 2008 federal prosecutor at the Federal Court of Justice. Claims to have seen Ralf Wohlleben on a list of informants as part of the NPD ban proceedings.
November 1998 – Oktober 1999Hasso LieberWurde von damaligen Innenminister des Landes Brandenburg, Jörg Schönbohm in den einstweiligen Ruhestand versetzt. Lieber wurde im Jahr 2007 zum Berliner Justizstaatssekretär berufen.
15. Januar 2000 – Dezember 2004 [5] Heiner WegesinHe worked for the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution since 1988 and in the Federal Chancellery as a consultant from 1994. From spring 2006 to July 2011 he was head of department at the Federal Intelligence Service
31. Dezember 2004 – 31. Mai 2013 Winfriede Schreiber Former police chief of Frankfurt (Oder)
1. Juni 2013 – Ende 2017 [6] [7] [8] Carlo WeberFormer Chief Public Prosecutor in Frankfurt (Oder)
1. Februar 2018 [9] – 19. Dezember 2019 [10] Frank NürnbergerFormer head of the Central Aliens Authority of Brandenburg.
seit 10. Februar 2020 [11] Jörg Müller

Known informants

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  1. "Ernst Uhrlau". Der Spiegel. 1991-09-23. Archived from the original on 2016-04-13. Retrieved 2024-09-14.
  2. "Verfassungsschutzbericht des Landes Brandenburg" (PDF). Ministerium des Inneren und für Kommunales. p. 17. Retrieved 2021-08-01.
  3. "»Krause Theorien«". Der Spiegel (in German). 1996-03-03. ISSN   2195-1349 . Retrieved 2024-09-14.
  4. Kraus, Matthias (1996-11-12). "Neuer Verfassungsschutzschef will PDS nicht beobachten lassen Hans-Jürgen Förster kehrt mit "Schlapphut" zurück". Berliner Zeitung . Archived from the original on 2016-03-05. Retrieved 2024-09-14.
  5. "Frank Nürnberger wird neuer Verfassungsschutzchef" (PDF). 2018-01-09. Retrieved 2018-05-15.
  6. Verfassungsschutz-Chef Weber geht in den Ruhestand | Nr. 138/2017 at the Wayback Machine (archived 2019-04-11), Ministerium des Innern und für Kommunales Brandenburg (MIK) 29. Dezember 2017
  7. "Was trägt Dich? - Carlo Weber - Potsdam TV". 2018-02-16. Retrieved 2024-09-14.
  8. Igor Göldner und Ulrich Wangemann (2018-01-03). "Frank Nürnberger wird neuer Verfassungsschutzchef" (Der Chef der Zentralen Ausländerbehörde (ZABH) in Eisenhüttenstadt, Frank Nürnberger, übernimmt zum 1. Februar die Leitung der Verfassungsschutzabteilung im Innenministerium. Das verlautete aus dem Innenministerium.). Retrieved 2018-05-15.
  9. Ulrich Wangemann, Oliver von Riegen (2019-12-19). "Verfassungsschutz-Chef Nürnberger muss gehen" . Retrieved 2019-12-20.
  10. "Jörg Müller sagt Extremisten im Netz den Kampf an". Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten. 2020-02-10. Retrieved 2020-05-18.
  11. Klesmann, Martin (2002-11-06). ""Aber halt deine Bude sauber"". Archived from the original on 2013-10-29.