Bretschneider's formula

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A quadrilateral. Tetragon measures.svg
A quadrilateral.

In geometry, Bretschneider's formula is a mathematical expression for the area of a general quadrilateral. It works on both convex and concave quadrilaterals (but not crossed ones), whether it is cyclic or not.



The German mathematician Carl Anton Bretschneider discovered the formula in 1842. The formula was also derived in the same year by the German mathematician Karl Georg Christian von Staudt.


Bretschneider's formula is expressed as:

Here, a, b, c, d are the sides of the quadrilateral, s is the semiperimeter, and α and γ are any two opposite angles, since as long as


Denote the area of the quadrilateral by K. Then we have


The law of cosines implies that

because both sides equal the square of the length of the diagonal BD. This can be rewritten as

Adding this to the above formula for 4K2 yields

Note that: (a trigonometric identity true for all )

Following the same steps as in Brahmagupta's formula, this can be written as

Introducing the semiperimeter

the above becomes

and Bretschneider's formula follows after taking the square root of both sides:

The second form is given by using the cosine half-angle identity


Emmanuel García has used the generalized half angle formulas to give an alternative proof. [1]

Bretschneider's formula generalizes Brahmagupta's formula for the area of a cyclic quadrilateral, which in turn generalizes Heron's formula for the area of a triangle.

The trigonometric adjustment in Bretschneider's formula for non-cyclicality of the quadrilateral can be rewritten non-trigonometrically in terms of the sides and the diagonals e and f to give [2] [3]


  1. E. A. José García, Two Identities and their Consequences, MATINF, 6 (2020) 5-11.
  2. Coolidge, J. L. (1939). "A Historically Interesting Formula for the Area of a Quadrilateral". The American Mathematical Monthly. 46 (6): 345–347. doi:10.2307/2302891. JSTOR   2302891.
  3. Hobson, E. W. (1918). A Treatise on Plane Trigonometry. Cambridge University Press. pp. 204–205.

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