Brownian sheet

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In mathematics, a Brownian sheet or multiparametric Brownian motion is a multiparametric generalization of the Brownian motion to a Gaussian random field. This means we generalize the "time" parameter of a Brownian motion from to .


The exact dimension of the space of the new time parameter varies from authors. We follow John B. Walsh and define the -Brownian sheet, while some authors define the Brownian sheet specifically only for , what we call the -Brownian sheet. [1]

This definition is due to Nikolai Chentsov, there exist a slightly different version due to Paul Lévy.

(n,d)-Brownian sheet

A -dimensional gaussian process is called a -Brownian sheet if

for . [2]


From the definition follows

almost surely.


Lévy's definition of the multiparametric Brownian motion

In Lévy's definition one replaces the covariance condition above with the following condition

where is the Euclidean metric on . [3]

Existence of abstract Wiener measure

Consider the space of continuous functions of the form satisfying This space becomes a separable Banach space when equipped with the norm

Notice this space includes densely the space of zero at infinity equipped with the uniform norm, since one can bound the uniform norm with the norm of from above through the Fourier inversion theorem.

Let be the space of tempered distributions. One can then show that there exist a suitable separable Hilbert space (and Sobolev space)

that is continuously embbeded as a dense subspace in and thus also in and that there exist a probability measure on such that the triple is an abstract Wiener space.

A path is -almost surely

This handles of a Brownian sheet in the case . For higher dimensional , the construction is similar.

See also


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  1. Walsh, John B. (1986). An introduction to stochastic partial differential equations. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. p. 269. ISBN   978-3-540-39781-6.
  2. Davar Khoshnevisan und Yimin Xiao (2004), Images of the Brownian Sheet, arXiv: math/0409491
  3. Ossiander, Mina; Pyke, Ronald (1985). "Lévy's Brownian motion as a set-indexed process and a related central limit theorem". Stochastic Processes and their Applications. 21 (1): 133–145. doi:10.1016/0304-4149(85)90382-5.
  4. Stroock, Daniel (2011), Probability theory: an analytic view (2nd ed.), Cambridge, p. 349-352