A bubble ring, or toroidal bubble, is an underwater vortex ring where an air bubble occupies the core of the vortex, forming a ring shape. The ring of air as well as the nearby water spins poloidally as it travels through the water, much like a flexible bracelet might spin when it is rolled on to a person's arm. The faster the bubble ring spins, the more stable it becomes. [1] The physics of vortex rings are still under active study in fluid dynamics. [2] [3] Devices have been invented which generate bubble vortex rings. [4] [5]
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As the bubble ring rises, a lift force pointing downward that is generated by the vorticity acts on the bubble in order to counteract the buoyancy force. This reduces the bubble's velocity and increases its diameter. The ring becomes thinner, despite the total volume inside the bubble increasing as the external water pressure decreases. [6] Bubble rings fragment into rings of spherical bubbles when the ring becomes thinner than a few millimetres. This is due to Plateau–Rayleigh instability. When the bubble reaches a certain thickness, surface tension effects distort the bubble's surface pulling it apart into separate bubbles. Circulation of the fluid around the bubble helps to stabilize the bubble for a longer duration, counteracting the effects of Plateau–Rayleigh instability. Below is the equation for Plateau–Rayleigh instability with circulation as a stabilizing term:
where is the growth rate, is the wave number, is the radius of the bubble cylinder, is the surface tension, is the circulation, and is the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order . When is positive, the bubble is stable due to circulation and when is negative, surface tension effects destabilize it and break it up. [7] Circulation also has an effect on the velocity and radial expansion of the bubble. Circulation increases the velocity while reducing the rate of radial expansion. Radial expansion however is what diffuses energy by stretching the vortex. [8] Instability happens more quickly in turbulent water, but in calm water, divers can achieve an external diameter of a meter or more before the bubble fragments.
As an air bubble rises, there is a difference in pressure between the top and bottom of the bubble. The higher pressure at the bottom of the bubble pushes the bubble's bottom surface up faster than the top surface rises. This creates a fluid jet that moves up through the center of the bubble. If the fluid jet has enough energy, it will puncture the top of the bubble and create a bubble ring. Because of the motion of the fluid moving through the center of the bubble, the bubble begins to rotate. This rotation moves the fluid around the bubble creating a toroidal vortex. If the surface tension of the fluid interface or the viscosity of the liquid is too high, then the liquid jet will be more broad and will not penetrate the top of the bubble. This results in a spherical cap bubble. [9] Air bubbles with a diameter greater than about two centimeters become toroidal in shape due to the pressure differences. [10]
Cavitation bubbles, when near a solid surface, can also become a torus. The area away from the surface has an increased static pressure causing a high pressure jet to develop. This jet is directed towards the solid surface and breaks through the bubble to form a torus shaped bubble for a short period of time. This generates multiple shock waves that can damage the surface. [11]
Cetaceans, such as beluga whales, dolphins and humpback whales, blow bubble rings. Dolphins sometimes engage in complex play behaviours, creating bubble rings on purpose, seemingly for amusement. [12] There are two main methods of bubble ring production: rapid puffing of a burst of air into the water and allowing it to rise to the surface, forming a ring; or creating a toroidal vortex with their flukes and injecting a bubble into the helical vortex currents thus formed. The dolphin will often then examine its creation visually and with sonar. They will sometimes play with the bubbles, distorting the bubble rings, breaking smaller bubble rings off of the original or splitting the original ring into two separate rings using their beak. They also appear to enjoy biting the vortex-rings they have created, so that they burst into many separate normal bubbles and then rise quickly to the surface. Dolphins also have the ability to form bubble rings with their flukes by using the reservoir of air at the surface. [13]
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Humpback whales use another type of bubble ring when they forage for fish. They surround a school of forage fish with a circular bubble net and herd them into a bait ball. [14]
Some scuba divers and freedivers can create bubble rings by blowing air out of their mouth in a particular manner. Long bubble rings also can form spontaneously in turbulent water such as heavy surf.
The term "bubble ring" is also used in other contexts. A common children's toy for blowing soap bubbles is called a bubble ring, and replaces the bubble pipe toy that was traditionally used for many years because the bubble pipe can be perceived as too reminiscent of smoking and therefore a bad example for children. Soapsuds are suspended on a ring connected by a stem to the screwcap of a bottle containing soapsuds. [15]
In dimensional analysis, the Strouhal number is a dimensionless number describing oscillating flow mechanisms. The parameter is named after Vincenc Strouhal, a Czech physicist who experimented in 1878 with wires experiencing vortex shedding and singing in the wind. The Strouhal number is an integral part of the fundamentals of fluid mechanics.
In fluid dynamics, a vortex is a region in a fluid in which the flow revolves around an axis line, which may be straight or curved. Vortices form in stirred fluids, and may be observed in smoke rings, whirlpools in the wake of a boat, and the winds surrounding a tropical cyclone, tornado or dust devil.
In continuum mechanics, vorticity is a pseudovector field that describes the local spinning motion of a continuum near some point, as would be seen by an observer located at that point and traveling along with the flow. It is an important quantity in the dynamical theory of fluids and provides a convenient framework for understanding a variety of complex flow phenomena, such as the formation and motion of vortex rings.
In fluid dynamics, the baroclinity of a stratified fluid is a measure of how misaligned the gradient of pressure is from the gradient of density in a fluid. In meteorology a baroclinic flow is one in which the density depends on both temperature and pressure. A simpler case, barotropic flow, allows for density dependence only on pressure, so that the curl of the pressure-gradient force vanishes.
Quantum turbulence is the name given to the turbulent flow – the chaotic motion of a fluid at high flow rates – of quantum fluids, such as superfluids. The idea that a form of turbulence might be possible in a superfluid via the quantized vortex lines was first suggested by Richard Feynman. The dynamics of quantum fluids are governed by quantum mechanics, rather than classical physics which govern classical (ordinary) fluids. Some examples of quantum fluids include superfluid helium, Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs), polariton condensates, and nuclear pasta theorized to exist inside neutron stars. Quantum fluids exist at temperatures below the critical temperature at which Bose-Einstein condensation takes place.
Rossby waves, also known as planetary waves, are a type of inertial wave naturally occurring in rotating fluids. They were first identified by Sweden-born American meteorologist Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby in the Earth's atmosphere in 1939. They are observed in the atmospheres and oceans of Earth and other planets, owing to the rotation of Earth or of the planet involved. Atmospheric Rossby waves on Earth are giant meanders in high-altitude winds that have a major influence on weather. These waves are associated with pressure systems and the jet stream. Oceanic Rossby waves move along the thermocline: the boundary between the warm upper layer and the cold deeper part of the ocean.
The Kelvin–Helmholtz instability is a fluid instability that occurs when there is velocity shear in a single continuous fluid or a velocity difference across the interface between two fluids. Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities are visible in the atmospheres of planets and moons, such as in cloud formations on Earth or the Red Spot on Jupiter, and the atmospheres of the Sun and other stars.
A vortex ring, also called a toroidal vortex, is a torus-shaped vortex in a fluid; that is, a region where the fluid mostly spins around an imaginary axis line that forms a closed loop. The dominant flow in a vortex ring is said to be toroidal, more precisely poloidal.
The Rayleigh–Taylor instability, or RT instability, is an instability of an interface between two fluids of different densities which occurs when the lighter fluid is pushing the heavier fluid. Examples include the behavior of water suspended above oil in the gravity of Earth, mushroom clouds like those from volcanic eruptions and atmospheric nuclear explosions, supernova explosions in which expanding core gas is accelerated into denser shell gas, instabilities in plasma fusion reactors and inertial confinement fusion.
In fluid dynamics, the Taylor–Couette flow consists of a viscous fluid confined in the gap between two rotating cylinders. For low angular velocities, measured by the Reynolds number Re, the flow is steady and purely azimuthal. This basic state is known as circular Couette flow, after Maurice Marie Alfred Couette, who used this experimental device as a means to measure viscosity. Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor investigated the stability of Couette flow in a ground-breaking paper. Taylor's paper became a cornerstone in the development of hydrodynamic stability theory and demonstrated that the no-slip condition, which was in dispute by the scientific community at the time, was the correct boundary condition for viscous flows at a solid boundary.
The two-stream instability is a very common instability in plasma physics. It can be induced by an energetic particle stream injected in a plasma, or setting a current along the plasma so different species can have different drift velocities. The energy from the particles can lead to plasma wave excitation.
In fluid mechanics, potential vorticity (PV) is a quantity which is proportional to the dot product of vorticity and stratification. This quantity, following a parcel of air or water, can only be changed by diabatic or frictional processes. It is a useful concept for understanding the generation of vorticity in cyclogenesis, especially along the polar front, and in analyzing flow in the ocean.
The Richtmyer–Meshkov instability (RMI) occurs when two fluids of different density are impulsively accelerated. Normally this is by the passage of a shock wave. The development of the instability begins with small amplitude perturbations which initially grow linearly with time. This is followed by a nonlinear regime with bubbles appearing in the case of a light fluid penetrating a heavy fluid, and with spikes appearing in the case of a heavy fluid penetrating a light fluid. A chaotic regime eventually is reached and the two fluids mix. This instability can be considered the impulsive-acceleration limit of the Rayleigh–Taylor instability.
In fluid dynamics, the Plateau–Rayleigh instability, often just called the Rayleigh instability, explains why and how a falling stream of fluid breaks up into smaller packets with the same total volume but less surface area per droplet. It is related to the Rayleigh–Taylor instability and is part of a greater branch of fluid dynamics concerned with fluid thread breakup. This fluid instability is exploited in the design of a particular type of ink jet technology whereby a jet of liquid is perturbed into a steady stream of droplets.
In physics, a free surface is the surface of a fluid that is subject to zero parallel shear stress, such as the interface between two homogeneous fluids. An example of two such homogeneous fluids would be a body of water (liquid) and the air in the Earth's atmosphere. Unlike liquids, gases cannot form a free surface on their own. Fluidized/liquified solids, including slurries, granular materials, and powders may form a free surface.
The ballooning instability is a type of internal pressure-driven plasma instability usually seen in tokamak fusion power reactors or in space plasmas. It is important in fusion research as it determines a set of criteria for the maximum achievable plasma beta. The name refers to the shape and action of the instability, which acts like the elongations formed in a long balloon when it is squeezed. In literature, the structure of these elongations are commonly referred to as 'fingers'.
The viscous vortex domains (VVD) method is a mesh-free method of computational fluid dynamics for directly numerically solving 2D Navier-Stokes equations in Lagrange coordinates. It doesn't implement any turbulence model and free of arbitrary parameters. The main idea of this method is to present vorticity field with discrete regions (domains), which travel with diffusive velocity relatively to fluid and conserve their circulation. The same approach was used in Diffusion Velocity method of Ogami and Akamatsu, but VVD uses other discrete formulas
Fluid thread breakup is the process by which a single mass of fluid breaks into several smaller fluid masses. The process is characterized by the elongation of the fluid mass forming thin, thread-like regions between larger nodules of fluid. The thread-like regions continue to thin until they break, forming individual droplets of fluid.
In fluid dynamics, the Craik–Leibovich (CL) vortex force describes a forcing of the mean flow through wave–current interaction, specifically between the Stokes drift velocity and the mean-flow vorticity. The CL vortex force is used to explain the generation of Langmuir circulations by an instability mechanism. The CL vortex-force mechanism was derived and studied by Sidney Leibovich and Alex D. D. Craik in the 1970s and 80s, in their studies of Langmuir circulations.
The Lamb–Chaplygin dipole model is a mathematical description for a particular inviscid and steady dipolar vortex flow. It is a non-trivial solution to the two-dimensional Euler equations. The model is named after Horace Lamb and Sergey Alexeyevich Chaplygin, who independently discovered this flow structure. This dipole is the two-dimensional analogue of Hill's spherical vortex.