CTO Forum

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CTO Forum
CTO Forum Cover Page.jpg
CategoriesIT magazine
Publisher9.9 Media
Company9.9 Media
Website CTOForum.org

The CTO Forum is an IT magazine for India CTO community published fortnightly by 9.9 Media. It is targeted at technology professionals in enterprises. [1] The company, 9.9 Media, also holds a well-known event called The CTO Forum, a summit.

The magazine was started by the Jasubhai Group in 2005. [2]


  1. "Companies". 9.9 Media. Archived from the original on 11 June 2015. Retrieved 6 June 2015.
  2. "Jasubhai Group to launch fortnightly magazine 'CTO Forum' in August". Exchange 4 Media. 27 June 2005. Retrieved 6 June 2015.