Caliber persistent artery

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Caliber persistent artery is a common vascular anomaly where a main arterial branch extends into superficial tissues without a reduction of diameter. This is more likely to be present in elderly people. They may occur on the mucosa of the lips, [1] or elsewhere. It commonly presents as an elevated soft tissue mass and is often pulsatile on manual palpation. Clinical questioning is important, given the risk of bleeding, either from slight trauma or accident, lack of awareness could possibly lead to an incorrect diagnosis. [2]

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  1. Howell, JB; Freeman, RG (Feb 2002). "The potential peril from caliber-persistent arteries of the lips". Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 46 (2): 256–9. doi:10.1067/mjd.2002.117859. PMID   11807438.
  2. Segundo-Jiménez, María del Mar García-San; Puche-Torres, Miguel; Torres-Gaya, Jorge; Marqués-Mateo, Mariano (2019). "Caliber-persistent Artery: A Case Report". International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry. 12 (5): 475–477. doi:10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1662. ISSN   0974-7052. PMC   7229360 . PMID   32440058.