Canpadore Parish, Yanda County in Bourke Shire is a civil parish [1] of Yanda County, a cadasteral division of New South Wales; [2] a Cadastral division of New South Wales. [3] [4] [5] [6]
The Parish is in the Darling River floodplain upstream of Wilcannia, New South Wales; [7] a Cadastral division of New South Wales. [8] [9] and is located at 30°46′53″S 144°49′26″E.
The topography is flat with a Köppen climate classification of BsK (Hot semi arid). [10]
The economy in the parish is based on broad acre agriculture, mainly wheat and sheep.
The traditional owners of the area are the Barkindji people, [11] [12] and the first European to the area was Major Mitchells expedition.
Irrara County is one of the 141 cadastral divisions of New South Wales. It is located south of the border with Queensland, east of the Paroo River, and west of the Warrego River.
Mootwingee County, New South Wales is one of the 141 cadastral divisions of New South Wales.
Mouramba County is one of the 141 cadastral divisions of New South Wales.
Dilly Parish, New South Wales is a bounded rural locality of Gilgandra Shire and a civil parish of Gowen County, a cadastral division of New South Wales.
Eurimbula, New South Wales is a civil parish of Gordon County, New South Wales, a Cadastral divisions of New South Wales.
Donalroe Parish in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Rankin County,; a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Budda Parish in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Rankin County,; a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Tankarrok Parish in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Rankin County,; a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Buckinbe Parish in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Rankin County,; a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Wallandra Parish in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Rankin County, a Cadastral division of New South Wales. The Parish is on the Darling River upstream of Wilcannia, New South Wales and is located at 30.5511°N 144.3351°E. The only town of the parish is Tilpa, New South Wales.
Cumbedore Parish, Yanda County in Bourke Shire is a civil parish of Yanda County, a cadasteral division of New South Wales.
Dootheboy, in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Yanda County a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Bright Parish, in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Yanda County, a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Kenindee Parish, in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Yanda County a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Kenindee Parish, in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Yanda County a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Emu Parish, in Cobar Shire is a civil parish of Yanda County a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Dunlop Parish is a civil parish, of Yanda County, a cadasteral division of New South Wales; a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Gundabooka Parish is a civil parish, of Yanda County, a cadasteral division of New South Wales; a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Yanda Parish, is a civil parish, of Yanda County, a cadasteral division of New South Wales; a Cadastral division of New South Wales.
Loftus Parish is a civil parish of Cowper County, New South Wales; a Cadastral division of New South Wales. located at 30°13'05.0"S 146°27'57.0"E between Byrock, New South Wales and Bourke, New South Wales.