Capax imperii nisi imperasset

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Galba Roman emperor Galba, Gustav III's Museum of Antiquities, Stockholm (20) (35867773310) edited (cropped).jpg

Capax imperii nisi imperasset is a Latin phrase written by Tacitus in Chapter 1.49 of his Histories .

Upon the death of Galba, Tacitus discusses Galba's life and character and ends Chapter 49 with this sentence: Maior privato visus dum privatus fuit, et omnium consensu capax imperii nisi imperasset ("He seemed too great to be a citizen so long as he was a citizen and all would have agreed that he was worthy to the imperial office, if he had never held it"). [1]

It has been said that the phrase is used by Tacitus to sum up Galba's character, as one who seemed to hold all the values of a good leader but failed when he became leader. [2] In modern times, the phrase has been used to describe leaders who have failed to live up to their expectations. [3] Jeremy Paxman has quoted the phrase to describe Boris Johnson becoming prime minister, [4] and it has also been used to describe Gordon Brown. [5]

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  1. Tacitus Histories 1.49 Latin text in the Perseus Project
  2. Pigoń, Jakub (1990). "THE EMPEROR GALBA AND THE FOUR VIRTUES: A Note on Tac. Hist. 1,49,3—4". Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. 133 (3/4): 370–374. JSTOR   41233784.
  3. "Divisive Brexit vote has unleashed something very ugly | Brief letters". The Guardian. July 7, 2017 via
  4. Kidd, Patrick. "Paxman's risk assessment" via
  5. Howse, Christopher (October 21, 2008). "Poetry - and pain - of the perfect put-down" via