Carl Simon Fried

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Dr. Carl Fried and Mrs. Emilie Gertrud (Trude) Fried (with the kind permission of their granddaughters Sue Zurosky and Carla Chance) 01 Carl and Emilie Fried.jpg
Dr. Carl Fried and Mrs. Emilie Gertrud (Trude) Fried (with the kind permission of their granddaughters Sue Zurosky and Carla Chance)

Carl Fried was a medical doctor, who along with Lothar Heidenhain had systemized radiotherapy of benign diseases in the 1920s. In 1940 Fried wrote his book "Radium and Roentgentherapia". He was born in Bamberg to a Jewish family on July 22, 1889 and had two siblings, his sister Elsa and brother Stephan. His father, Wilhelm Fried [1] was a hops-trader. He was one of the few published exile-poets in Brazil. In 2016, a special bronze plate was laid in memory of Dr. Carl Fried.


Surgeon in Worms

Signature of the married couple Fried at the registry office in Worms 1923 (city archive) Signatures of Carl and Emilie Gertrud Fried.jpg
Signature of the married couple Fried at the registry office in Worms 1923 (city archive)

Carl studied medicine in Berlin and Munich, considering it a privilege. Jews were denied positions in public services, such as administration, army, and justice, as well as in social life situations despite the fundamental equality of Jews stated in the Constitution of the First Reich in 1871.

Prof. Lothar Heidenhain from Worms am Rhein is known in medical history. [2] He performed the first successful operation of a diaphragmatic hernia. In 1920, he recruited the young surgeon Carl Fried. Fried received recognition on different occasions from the city council. [3] [4] Carl and Emilie Gertrud (Trude) Fried had 2 sons, Rainer and Robert.

Reichsbund Jewish Frontline Soldiers (RJF)

During his years in Worms, he was one of the RJF-Chairmen. The military defeat in World War I and the economic problems thereafter called for a scapegoat. The Jews with a marginal percentage of 0.9% of the German population and their relatively good economic position made them the ideal target. Therefore, German Jews tried to remind the public of the fact that 100.000 fellow Jews had fought on the side of the German army and 12.000 had fallen. [5]

Carl Fried planned and realized the Worms Memorial for fallen members of the Israeli congregation of Worms in World War I. Gerold Boennen, [5] chief archivist of Worms, pointed out that this monument had not been mentioned in literature and almost forgotten, like so many other Jewish memories.

In 1929 Fried left Worms for a senior position in the newly established Radiology and X-ray Treatment Department in the Breslau Jewish Hospital. [6] [7]

Radiation Therapy according to "Fried and Heidenhain"

Few examples of early radiotherapy (1896 – 1920)

W.C. Roentgen discovered the x-ray in December 1895. In the following year, L. Freund [8] in Vienna was the first to use x-rays for treatment in a benign lesion. Since Heidenhain was interested in this particular specialty, he sent Fried to Vienna. Radiation therapy in very small doses was at that time considered the strongest measure for the reduction of inflammation. Even severe bacterial inflammation was treated with radiation when other methods failed. Unlike today, radiotherapy was used in the early years more for benign diseases than malignant tumors. During the early period, pioneers in many countries gathered their observations from the treatment of small numbers of patients.

A few examples out of literature are Sotnikov [9] for childhood rheumatism in Kiev in 1898, Williams [10] in 1902 and Mayo [11] in 1904 for Morbus Basedow in the United States, Anders, Dahland and Pfahler [12] in 1906 for Osteoarthritis in the United States.

First systemized studies since 1923

Around 1923 the character of radiotherapy studies of benign diseases changed. Fried published about 100 papers; [13] many of them with his teacher Heidenhain.

In 1924 their team dealt with pyogenic inflammations.

In 1925 Schaefer [14] asserted: "Long before Heidenhain, works have been published on the favorable effects of X-rays dealing with inflammation. Heidenhain and Fried, nonetheless, are to be commended on their work of using the X-rays systematically. Since their lecture in 1924, the results of various clinics have been investigated and confirmed by the majority."

Concerning inflammations, v. Pannewitz [15] and Kohler [16] both in 1927 confirmed the notability of Heidenhain and Fried.

The two doctors in Worms established a logo in the scientific world. [17] A number of medical writers refer to this as the standard set in Worms: "Radiation Therapy according to Heidenhain and Fried".

What is characteristic for their work?

[23] [24]

Concerning the last point, Carl Fried did further research and investigated [25] the serum of irradiated patients which had the tendency to inhibit or kill specific germs within a certain period of time. He learned these technics in the lab of Dresel and Freund. [26] Fried did additional research with Staphylococcus and Anthrax in 1926.

These early attempts have influenced modern radiation biology. [27] [28] The effect of small X-ray dosages and also the side effects are able to be more accurately proven nowadays.

Test of time 46 years later

In 1970 Hoffmann [29] stated in the Handbook of Radiology: "Numerous disease pictures, listed by Heidenhain and Fried (1924) are no longer irradiated." But: "Due to the comprehensive description of Heidenhain and Fried, it seems justifiable to call that year the "birth year" of inflammatory radiation, strictly speaking."

In 1970 Reichel [30] said: "The foundation stone for the development of an essential area of radiotherapy for benign diseases was laid by the extensive nine-year clinical and experimental observations of Heidenhain and Fried, communicated at the Berlin surgeon congress in 1924."

In 1981, Scherer [31] wrote in his textbook about Radiotherapy of inflammations und functional Radiotherapy: "The first German authors, especially Heidenhain and Fried, played a decisive role in the elaboration of the methods and selection of indications. The treatment of neurohormonal disorders was predominantly promoted in France and other Romanic countries."

This article focuses on "pyogenic inflammations". This is just one example of the diverse interests of Fried and Heidenhain. Another area of their work was low-dose irradiation of osteoarthritis. [32] [33] [34]

What remains today

Many countries developed standards for radiation therapy of non-malignant diseases, its indications and risks. The DEGRO (the Germany Association for Radiation Therapy) has one working group of "Benign Diseases" [35] and has developed a solid foundation for radiation therapy of non-malignant diseases, its indications and risks. Modifications of Fried's principals have been made, such as the strict exclusion of juvenile patients. Sensitive organs and tissue are also principally avoided. [36] Methods changed significantly e.g. the application of radioactive isotopes in the thyroid hyperfunction. Fried published about it 1952. [37]

Breslau/Wrocław during the Nazi seizure of power in 1933

Although the financial situation of the Jewish hospital was declining, it was allowed to employ renowned doctors who had been dismissed elsewhere, for example, Ludwig Guttmann. He later became known as the innovator of Paraplegia-treatment and the Paralympic games. [38] He was a medical director in Breslau during the critical date of 1938:

On the 11/12 November 1938 (the night the synagogues and Jewish businesses were destroyed and Jews detained) Dr. Guttmann gave the order that any person in need should be admitted to the hospital. Until this time, it would have meant protection.

This information reached the Gestapo and SS, which resulted in a raid on the hospital, taking place during a time when a steady stream of victims of suicide and suicide attempts were being admitted. An exact description of that day comes from Fried's colleague, the surgeon, Siegmund Hadda: [39] [40] "Dr. Fried, who at the time was busy administrating an X-ray and wore glasses with red lenses for the task, appeared in front of the Gestapo officials still wearing the glasses." He was immediately arrested because of disrespectful behavior and sent to the Buchenwald concentration camp where he remained until the end of 1939. The only evidence of Fried's bitterness is in his poems.

The national socialist repression

The synergy between legislative and executive powers characterized the repression. The laws laid the foundation for individual measures which resulted in boycotts, arrests, mistreatment, and rental agreement termination, denial of training and further education as well as cancellation of emergency services. [41] [42]

Even memory was deleted (lat. Damnatio memoriae). The number of citations of Carl Fried and his nominations as author decreased drastically in 1933 and stopped completely in 1938.

The last step of the repression was the denial of professional medical recognition for Jewish doctors as well as the removal of permission to practice medicine in 1938.

An important document concerning Fried was written by Emilie Gertrud (Trude) Fried. Furtado Kestler [43] wrote to her in 1990. Mrs. Fried's reply - dated January 6, 1990 - was written 32 years after Carl Fried's death:

"Fried was imprisoned in the Buchenwald concentration camp from November to December 1938 because of his Jewish ancestry." She assumed that everyone knew that that was life-threatening. Fried was freed after an anxious period of waiting and was able to leave the Nazi area of control with his family. Trude Fried wrote: "Thanks to his scientific work, he received an invitation to work at the New York University. Therefore, he and his family immigrated to the United States in April 1939." Crucial for that opportunity was Fried's personal reputation as an author of several dozen pioneering publications.

Exile country Brazil

Since the mere existence of Jewish Doctors was a threat to the Nazi-ideology, they not only suffered in their home country but also in their new homeland. The search for an exile country was mostly tedious and humiliating for the victims. [44]

The Fried family went to Brazil which was not an immigration destination of choice. Nevertheless, the total number of exiles to Brazil was 16,000 as listed in 1988 vy van zur Muehlen. [44] Emilie Gertrud (Trude) Fried: [43] "Meanwhile, negotiations continued with Brazil and as they were much more promising than the offer from New York, we came to Brazil, where he was entrusted with the direction of a newly established institute of radiology." This was the X-ray and Radium Institute São Francisco de Assis in São Paulo, part of the recently founded University. The date was July 1940. "He was the scientific director; the clinical director was a fellow Brazilian. It was a harmonious collaboration, which unfortunately ended in 1958 due to the illness and death of my husband."

Political scenario in Brazil from 1930 to 1950 and Brazilian exile politics

The political scene in Brazil from 1930 to 1950 was influenced by a single figure at the head of state. Getúlio Vargas was hostile toward communists and fascists alike, which was a specialty of Brazilian politics. Despite cooperation with Hitler's Germany in the economy and police work, the local Brazilian branch of the NSDAP (Nazi party of the Third Reich) was banned. Presumably a significant number of German descendants sympathized with that party! Connections between Berlin and Rio lasted until October 7, 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. At that time, Vargas decided to cut off diplomatic relations with the "Axis" (German Gross-Reich and Italy). Furthermore, the German language was forbidden to be used in public in Brazil in 1941, which must have affected the Fried family.

Fried's goal as a university teacher was to advance the Brazilian radiation therapy. His book, "Fundamentos de Radium e Roentgentherapia" [45] contains a systematic list of about 400 diseases - malignant and benign - with a brief statement about the following questions: Are experiences of radiotherapy available and what are the results? It is a critical compilation which has been carried forward in modern works. His experimental collection [46] was recognized in the American literature in 1941.

Carl Fried as a poet and writer

In 1954 twenty poems by Carl Fried and more by Louise Bresslau were published by B. A. Aust, [47] an editor and publisher in São Paulo. The two belonged to a very small group of "published exiled writers" (together with Ulrich Becher and Stefan Zweig). Fried's poetry centers around the painful loss of his beloved homeland and his love for America. Some poems were recited by Loebl. Two articles dealing with Fried's poetry will be published in Bamberg, [48] Germany and Vienna, [49] Austria.

Fried as a father and founder of Schlaraffia Paulista

Due to his Jewish origins Carl Fried, just like Bresslau-Hoff, had difficulties associating with some German Brazilians in Brazil. [43] Nazi enthusiasts were initially found among them. Carl Fried found a new homeland and reestablished Schlaraffia Paulista a part of a worldwide men's union with cultural ambitions originally founded by artists in Prague. [50] Carl, Emilie Gertrud (Trude) and their two sons Rainer and Robert are no longer alive. Rainer Fried became a Professor of Biochemistry in the United States and served as the chairman of the local chapter of Amnesty International." [13]

The last years of Carl Fried in Brazil

For Fried's last trip in postwar Germany confirmations [13] [50] [51] can be found.

A few Radiological societies appointed Fried as a "corresponding member" just as the German Roentgen Society did in 1952. Schmitt [4] considers this to be a - modest - vindication. Unfortunately, much of the eradication is irreversible.

Carl Fried died in São Paulo on June 2, 1958. [1]

In 2016, a special bronze plate was laid in honor of his work and the injustice he and his family suffered. [52]

Related Research Articles

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Radiation therapy</span> Therapy using ionizing radiation, usually to treat cancer

Radiation therapy or radiotherapy, often abbreviated RT, RTx, or XRT, is a therapy using ionizing radiation, generally provided as part of cancer treatment to control or kill malignant cells and normally delivered by a linear accelerator. Radiation therapy may be curative in a number of types of cancer if they are localized to one area of the body. It may also be used as part of adjuvant therapy, to prevent tumor recurrence after surgery to remove a primary malignant tumor. Radiation therapy is synergistic with chemotherapy, and has been used before, during, and after chemotherapy in susceptible cancers. The subspecialty of oncology concerned with radiotherapy is called radiation oncology. A physician who practices in this subspecialty is a radiation oncologist.

External beam radiotherapy Treatment of cancer with ionized radiation

External beam radiotherapy (EBRT) is the most common form of radiotherapy. The patient sits or lies on a couch and an external source of ionizing radiation is pointed at a particular part of the body. In contrast to brachytherapy and unsealed source radiotherapy, in which the radiation source is inside the body, external beam radiotherapy directs the radiation at the tumour from outside the body. Orthovoltage ("superficial") X-rays are used for treating skin cancer and superficial structures. Megavoltage X-rays are used to treat deep-seated tumours, whereas megavoltage electron beams are typically used to treat superficial lesions extending to a depth of approximately 5 cm. X-rays and electron beams are by far the most widely used sources for external beam radiotherapy. A small number of centers operate experimental and pilot programs employing beams of heavier particles, particularly protons, owing to the rapid dropoff in absorbed dose beneath the depth of the target.

Superficial X-rays are low-energy X-rays that do not penetrate very far before they are absorbed. They are produced by X-ray tubes operating at voltages in the 10–100 kV range, and therefore have peak energies in the 10–100 keV range. Precise naming and definitions of energy ranges may vary, and X-rays at the lower end of this range may also be known as Grenz rays. They are useful in radiation therapy for the treatment of various benign or malignant skin problems, including skin cancer and severe eczema. They have a useful depth of up to 5 mm. In some locations, orthovoltage treatment is being replaced by electron therapy or brachytherapy.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Brachytherapy</span> Type of radiation therapy

Brachytherapy is a form of radiation therapy where a sealed radiation source is placed inside or next to the area requiring treatment. Brachy is Greek for short. Brachytherapy is commonly used as an effective treatment for cervical, prostate, breast, esophageal and skin cancer and can also be used to treat tumours in many other body sites. Treatment results have demonstrated that the cancer-cure rates of brachytherapy are either comparable to surgery and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) or are improved when used in combination with these techniques. Brachytherapy can be used alone or in combination with other therapies such as surgery, EBRT and chemotherapy.

The gray is the unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of Units (SI), defined as the absorption of one joule of radiation energy per kilogram of matter.

Absorbed dose is a dose quantity which is the measure of the energy deposited in matter by ionizing radiation per unit mass. Absorbed dose is used in the calculation of dose uptake in living tissue in both radiation protection, and radiology. It is also used to directly compare the effect of radiation on inanimate matter such as in radiation hardening.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Proton therapy</span> Medical Procedure

In medicine, proton therapy, or proton radiotherapy, is a type of particle therapy that uses a beam of protons to irradiate diseased tissue, most often to treat cancer. The chief advantage of proton therapy over other types of external beam radiotherapy is that the dose of protons is deposited over a narrow range of depth; hence in minimal entry, exit, or scattered radiation dose to healthy nearby tissues.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Georg Perthes</span>

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Electron therapy or electron beam therapy (EBT) is a kind of external beam radiotherapy where electrons are directed to a tumor site for medical treatment of cancer.

Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) is radiation therapy that is administered during surgery directly in the operating room.

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Particle therapy is a form of external beam radiotherapy using beams of energetic neutrons, protons, or other heavier positive ions for cancer treatment. The most common type of particle therapy as of August 2021 is proton therapy.

Cyberknife (device)

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Intraoperative electron radiation therapy is the application of electron radiation directly to the residual tumor or tumor bed during cancer surgery. Electron beams are useful for intraoperative radiation treatment because, depending on the electron energy, the dose falls off rapidly behind the target site, therefore sparing underlying healthy tissue.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Targeted intra-operative radiotherapy</span> Method of targeted radiotherapy after surgical removal of tumours

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Leopold Freund was an Austrian-Jewish radiologist, considered the founder of medical radiology and radiotherapy.

The history of radiation therapy or radiotherapy can be traced back to experiments made soon after the discovery of X-rays (1895), when it was shown that exposure to radiation produced cutaneous burns. Influenced by electrotherapy and escharotics — the medical application of caustic substances — doctors began using radiation to treat growths and lesions produced by diseases such as lupus, basal cell carcinoma, and epithelioma. Radiation was generally believed to have bactericidal properties, so when radium was discovered, in addition to treatments similar to those used with x-rays, it was also used as an additive to medical treatments for diseases such as tuberculosis where there were resistant bacilli.

Ludwig Halberstädter

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Radiation exposure</span> Measure of ionization of air by ionizing radiation

Radiation is a moving form of energy, classified into ionizing and non-ionizing type. Ionizing radiation is further categorized into electromagnetic radiation and particulate radiation. Electromagnetic radiation consists of photons, which can be thought of as energy packets, traveling in the form of a wave. Examples of electromagnetic radiation includes X-rays and gamma rays. These types of radiation can easily penetrate the human body because of high energy. Radiation exposure is a measure of the ionization of air due to ionizing radiation from photons. It is defined as the electric charge freed by such radiation in a specified volume of air divided by the mass of that air. Medical exposure is defined by the International Commission on Radiological Protection as exposure incurred by patients as part of their own medical or dental diagnosis or treatment; by persons, other than those occupationally exposed, knowingly, while voluntarily helping in the support and comfort of patients; and by volunteers in a programme of biomedical research involving their exposure. Common medical tests and treatments involving radiation include X-rays, CT scans, mammography, lung ventilation and perfusion scans, bone scans, cardiac perfusion scan, angiography, radiation therapy, and more. Each type of test carries its own amount of radiation exposure. There are two general categories of adverse health effects caused by radiation exposure: deterministic effects and stochastic effects. Deterministic effects are due to the killing/malfunction of cells following high doses; and stochastic effects involve either cancer development in exposed individuals caused by mutation of somatic cells, or heritable disease in their offspring from mutation of reproductive (germ) cells.


  1. 1 2 Löbl (Loebl), Herbert (1999). Juden in Bamberg. (Jews in Bamberg). Bamberg: Verlag Fraenkischer Herbst.
  2. Leier, W. A. (1988). "Erste erfolgreiche Operation einer Zwerchfellhernie durch L.Heidenhain in Worms 1902 (First successful operation of a diaphragmatic hernia by L. Heidenhain in Worms 1902)". Dt. Ärzteblatt. 85 (16).
  3. Lucius, E. (1988). A memorandum to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the city hospital (Stadtkrankenhaus) in Worms. Worms.
  4. 1 2 Schmitt, W.G.H. (2016). Carl Fried, Poet and well–known physician at the Worms Hospital. Heimatjahrbuch Worms. ISBN   9783944380445.
  5. 1 2 Boennen, Gerold (2007). Das Ehrenmal für die Gefallenen des Ersten Weltkriegs auf dem neuen jüdischen Friedhof in Worms und seine Bedeutung im regionalen Vergleich. Jahrbuch für westdeutsche Landesgeschichte 32. pp. 367–396.
  6. Reinke, Andreas (1999). The Jewish hospital in Breslau (Das Jüdische Krankenhaus in Breslau) 1726 – 1944. Hannover. ISBN   9783775256179.
  7. "Akte: Stadtkrankenhaus 1920 – 1930, Carl Fried". Stadtarchiv Worms.
  8. Freund, L. (1897). "Ein mit Röntgen-Strahlen behandelter Fall von Naevus pigmentosus piliferus". Med. Wochenschrift Wien. 47: 428–434.
  9. Sotnikov (1898). "Über Heilung des Gelenkrheumatismus". Roentgen Fortschritte. 1: 209.
  10. Williams (1902). "Über Roentgenbehandlung des Morbus Basedow". Dt. Zeitschrift für Chirurgie. 176 (4): 254–271.
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  13. 1 2 3 Bossmann, Reinaldo. ""CARL FRIED, DOCTOR AND POET", an obituary with several poems". Biblioteca Digital de Periódicos da UFPR. Retrieved 14 May 2017.
  14. Schaefer, W. (1927). "Experimentelle Untersuchungen ueber die Wirkung der Roentgenstrahlung auf bakterielle Entzuendungen". Strahlentherapie. 25: 370.
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  18. Heidenhain, L. (1924). "Ueber die allgemeinsten Bedingungen für die Hypothesenbildung in der Röntgentherapie (On the most common conditions of the hypothesis in X-ray therapy)". Strahlentherapie. 17: 113–133.
  19. Heidenhain, L. (1926). "Dosierung der Röntgenstrahlen". Strahlentherapie. 21: 96–110.
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  21. Fried, Carl (1929). "Ein neues Bestrahlungsgerät in Verbindung mit der Metalix-Therapieröhre". Strahlentherapie. 33: 160–168.
  22. Fried, Carl (1926). "(Bactericidie after X-ray irradiation) Bakterizidie nach Röntgenbestrahlung". Strahlentherapie. 25: 56–72.
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  25. Fried, Carl (1927). "Die Röntgenbehandlung der akuten Entzündungen". Strahlentherapie. 41: 484–506.
  26. Dresel, E.G.; Freund, H. (1921). "(Studies on nonspecific stimulatory therapy) Studien zur unspezifischen Reiztherapie". Archiv für Experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. 91 (6): 317–331. doi:10.1007/bf01865105. S2CID   37079407.
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  41. Schwoch, Rebecca (2013). "Vor 75 Jahren entzog der NS-Gesetzgeber Ärztinnen und Ärzten die staatliche Berufszulassung". Strahlentherapie und Onkologie. 10: 908–914.
  42. Schwoch, Rebecca (2008). "THEMEN DER ZEIT. Approbationsentzug für jüdische Ärzte: "Bestallung erloschen"". Deutsches Ärzteblatt. 105 (39): C–1714.
  43. 1 2 3 Furtado–Kestler, Izabela Maria (1991). "Die Exilliteratur und das Exil der deutschsprachigen Schriftsteller und Publizisten in Brasilien". Europäische Hochschulschriften. 1344.
  44. 1 2 Crohn and Co-editors (1998). Handbuch der deutschsprachigen Emigration. Darmstadt: Wissensch. Buchgesellschaft. ISBN   978-3534219995.{{cite book}}: |last1= has generic name (help)
  45. Fried, Carl (1941). "Fundamentos de Radium e Roentgentherapia". Edicoes Melhoramentos.
  46. Fried, Carl (1941). "The Roentgen Treatment of Experimental Pneumonia in the Guinea-Pig". Radiology. 37 (2): 197–202. doi:10.1148/37.2.197.
  47. Bresslau-Hoff, Louise & Carl Fried (1954). Deutsche Dichtung aus Brasilien. Selbstverlag edited by B. Aust.
  48. Schmitt, WGH (2017). "Carl Fried. Search for home between Bamberg and Brazil". 153 Jahrbuch Historischer Verein, Bamberg: 339–354.
  49. Schmitt, WGH (2017). "Carl Fried. Poetry and Exile". Zwischenwelt 34 Heft 4, Vienna: 22–30.
  50. 1 2 "Festschrift zum 125. Stiftungsfest der Schlaraffia Wormatia". Juden in Worms: 28. 2006.
  51. "Schlaraffen Newspaper". São Paulo: 1196. 1956.
  52. Schaefer, U. (15 August 2016). "Erinnerung an "Uhu-Finsternis"". Wormser Zeitung: 12.