Center for Children, Law, and Ethics

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The Center for Children, Law, and Ethics is a research center at Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, Alabama, directed by the internationally recognized legal scholar David Smolin. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] It combines the interest and involvement of law students, local, national and international advisers, to facilitate the production of scholarship and advice in the field of children's issues. [6]



The center is designed to operate at the crossroads of viewpoints, issues, events, disciplines, and cases in a way that engages diverse stakeholders involved in children's issues. By strategically engaging issues, cases, and events that crossover and impact diverse communities, the Center serves as a conduit for facilitating engagements and confrontations that might otherwise not occur. Through these engagements and confrontations the Center advances the best interests and welfare of children, locally, nationally, and internationally.

The Center focuses on a wide range of local, national, and international children's issues, including:


The Center evolved from The Center for Biotechnology, Law, and Ethics at Cumberland, which now no longer operates.

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Bioethics is both a field of study and professional practice, interested in ethical issues related to health, including those emerging from advances in biology, medicine and technologies. It proposes the discussion about moral discernment in society and it is often related to medical policy and practice, but also to broader questions as environment, well-being and public health. Bioethics is concerned with the ethical questions that arise in the relationships among life sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, theology and philosophy. It includes the study of values relating to primary care, other branches of medicine, ethical education in science, animal, and environmental ethics, and public health.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Arthur Caplan</span>

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Child prostitution is prostitution involving a child, and it is a form of commercial sexual exploitation of children. The term normally refers to prostitution of a minor, or person under the legal age of consent. In most jurisdictions, child prostitution is illegal as part of general prohibition on prostitution.

International adoption is a type of adoption in which an individual or couple residing in one country becomes the legal and permanent parent(s) of a child who is a national of another country. In general, prospective adoptive parents must meet the legal adoption requirements of their country of residence and those of the country whose nationality the child holds.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Surrogacy</span> Arrangement in which a woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or person

Surrogacy is an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, whereby a woman agrees to delivery/labour for another person or people, who will become the child's parent(s) after birth. People may seek a surrogacy arrangement when a couple do not wish to carry a pregnancy themselves, when pregnancy is medically impossible, when pregnancy risks are dangerous for the intended mother, or when a single man or a male couple wish to have a child.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Trafficking of children</span> Form of human trafficking

Trafficking of children is a form of human trafficking and is defined by the United Nations as the "recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, and/or receipt" kidnapping of a child for the purpose of slavery, forced labour and exploitation. This definition is substantially wider than the same document's definition of "trafficking in persons". Children may also be trafficked for the purpose of adoption.

In the United States, adoption is the process of creating a legal parent-child relationship between a child and a parent who was not automatically recognized as the child's parent at birth.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">The Hastings Center</span> Non-profit organization in the USA

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">David M. Smolin</span>

David Mark Smolin is a professor of law at Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, Alabama where he is the Harwell G. Davis Chair in Constitutional Law, director for The Center for Children, Law, and Ethics, former director of the Center for Biotechnology, Law, and Ethics, and faculty advisor for the Law, Science and Technology Society.

Child laundering is a scheme whereby intercountry adoptions are effected by illegal and fraudulent means. It may involve the trafficking of children and the acquisition of children through payment, deceit and/or force. The children may then be held in sham orphanages while formal international adoption processes are used to send the children to adoptive parents in another country.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Children at Risk</span>

CHILDREN AT RISK is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that drives changes for children through research, education, and influencing public policy. Founded in the year of 1989 in Houston, Texas and with an office opened in North Texas in 2011, the organization focuses on the well-being of children and educates legislators on the importance of solving children's issues while at the same time focusing on a variety of issues, and the primary issues are human trafficking, food insecurity, education, and parenting. CHILDREN AT RISK also has a North Texas office in Dallas,Texas. Some of CHILDREN AT RISK's previous primary issues were juvenile justice, mental health, and Latino children.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Human trafficking</span> Trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation

Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others. This may encompass providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage, or the extraction of organs or tissues, including for surrogacy and ova removal. Human trafficking can occur within a country or trans-nationally. Human trafficking is a crime against the person because of the violation of the victim's rights of movement through coercion and because of their commercial exploitation. Human trafficking is the trade in people, especially women and children, and does not necessarily involve the movement of the person from one place to another.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Cumberland School of Law's Center for Biotechnology, Law, and Ethics</span>

The Center for Biotechnology, Law and Ethics is a bioethics, biotechnology, and biotechnology law research center of Cumberland School of Law located on the Samford University campus in Birmingham, Alabama. It is one of the few research centers of its kind at a United States law school, and, in conjunction with the Cumberland Law Review, the Center publishes an annual journal of scholarly works, which circulates in the United States and foreign countries.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Virginia Mary Kendall</span> American judge

Virginia Mary Kendall is an American attorney and jurist serving as a United States district judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. President George W. Bush appointed her to the bench on January 3, 2006. In addition to serving on the bench, Judge Kendall is also a noted expert on child exploitation and human trafficking, as well as an adjunct law professor and author.

Child migration or "children in migration or mobility" is the movement of people ages 3–18 within or across political borders, with or without their parents or a legal guardian, to another country or region. They may travel with or without legal travel documents. They may arrive to the destination country as refugees, asylum seekers, or economic migrants.

Botswana is a source and destination country for women and children subjected to trafficking in persons, specifically forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. Parents in poor rural communities sometimes send their children to work for wealthier families as domestics in cities or as herders at remote cattle posts, where some of these children are vulnerable to forced labor. Batswana girls are exploited in prostitution within the country, including in bars and by truck drivers along major highways; it does not appear, however, that organized pimping of children occurs. In the past, women reported being forced into commercial sexual exploitation at some safari lodges, but there were no similar reports during this reporting period. Residents in Botswana most susceptible to trafficking are illegal immigrants from Zimbabwe, unemployed men and women, those living in rural poverty, agricultural workers, and children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. Some women from Zimbabwe who voluntarily, but illegally, migrate to Botswana to seek employment are subsequently subjected by their employers to involuntary domestic servitude. Botswana families which employ Zimbabwean women as domestic workers at times do so without proper work permits, do not pay adequate wages, and restrict or control the movement of their employees by holding their passports or threatening to have them deported back to Zimbabwe.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">I. Glenn Cohen</span>

I. Glenn Cohen is a Professor of Law at Harvard Law School. He is also the director of Harvard Law School's Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology, and Bioethics.

Justice Renate Winter is an Austrian judge to the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and an expert on family law, juvenile justice systems, women’s justice issues and child labour. She is a founding member of the International Institute for the Rights of the Child (IDE) which is dedicated to the worldwide training of judicial personnel and dissemination of information on children’s rights and former president of the International Association of Youth and Family Court Judges.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Princess Claire of Luxembourg</span> Member of the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg

Princess Claire of Luxembourg is a member of the Grand Ducal Family of Luxembourg. She is the wife of Prince Felix, who is third in the line of succession to the throne of Luxembourg. Claire is also a bioethics researcher.


  1. "Student Organizations".
  2. "Intercountry Adoption Orphan Rescue or Child-Trafficking? | Herbert and Elinor Nootbaar Institute on Law, Religion, and Ethics | Pepperdine University". Archived from the original on 2013-03-30. Retrieved 2013-03-04.
  3. "Center for Global Justice Symposium". Archived from the original on 2013-03-26. Retrieved 2013-03-04.
  4. "The End of Russian Adoptions for Americans? - the Takeaway". Archived from the original on 2013-03-13. Retrieved 2013-03-04.
  5. "In the News | Cumberland School of Law - Birmingham, AL". Archived from the original on 2014-07-13. Retrieved 2013-03-04.
  6. "Center for Children, Law and Ethics".