Central lateral nucleus

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In the human brain, the central lateral nucleus is a part of the anterior intralaminar nucleus in the thalamus. [1] The intralaminar nuclei project to many different regions of the brain, [2] The thalamus acts generally as a relay point for the brain for other areas of the brain to link to. The central lateral nucleus acts as a vital role in consciousness. [3] [4]

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Fan Wang is a neuroscientist and professor in the MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences. She is an investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research. Wang is known for her work identifying neural circuits underlying touch, pain, and anesthesia; and the development of a technique for capturing activated neuronal ensembles (CANE) to label and manipulate neurons activated by stimuli or behavioral paradigms.


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  2. Sendić G. Vasković J (ed.). "Thalamic nuclei". Kenhub. Retrieved 2020-03-02.
  3. Redinbaugh MJ, Phillips JM, Kambi NA, Mohanta S, Andryk S, Dooley GL, et al. (April 2020). "Thalamus Modulates Consciousness via Layer-Specific Control of Cortex". Neuron. 106 (1): 66–75.e12. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2020.01.005. PMC   7243351 . PMID   32053769.Lay summary in: "A tiny area of the brain may enable consciousness, says "exhilarating" study". Inverse. Retrieved 2020-03-01.
  4. Saalmann YB (2014-05-09). "Intralaminar and medial thalamic influence on cortical synchrony, information transmission and cognition". Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. 8: 83. doi: 10.3389/fnsys.2014.00083 . PMC   4023070 . PMID   24847225.