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Interaction of the fixed centrode (pink) and moving centrode (orange) of a 4-bar linkage:

The indigo dot draws both centrodes, and also indicates where the moving centrode is in contact with and is rolling around the fixed centrode. 4-Bar Fixed and Moving Centrodes.gif
Interaction of the fixed centrode (pink) and moving centrode (orange) of a 4-bar linkage:

The indigo dot draws both centrodes, and also indicates where the moving centrode is in contact with and is rolling around the fixed centrode.

A centrode, in kinematics, is the path traced by the instantaneous center of rotation of a rigid plane figure moving in a plane. There are two types of centrodes: a space or fixed centrode, and a body or moving centrode.


The moving centrode rolls without slip on the fixed centrode.

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...it is design, the creation of something new. Kinematically, it is the conversion of a motion idea into hardware.


Homer D. Eckhardt Kinematic Design of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw-Hill (1998) p. 63 ISBN   0-07-018953-6. Theory of Machine [M.Irfan (NFC IET Multan) Contact# (03421713488)]