Chad Fjerstad is an American musician. [1] He has composed music scores for feature-length films such as Dark Cloud [2] and released synthesizer-based albums under his surname. He is the songwriter and front person of synth-pop band More Ephemerol [3] , and is one of the key songwriters and players in progressive rock trio K'mono [4] and avant punk band Ass Life [5] . He's also toured extensively and internationally as the bassist in bands such as Dead to Fall, VR SEX [6] , Nehemiah [7] , and The Primals [8]
Chad Fjerstad grew up in the Twin Cities (St. Paul/Minneapolis), Minnesota. His music career began as the bassist in Midwest-based metalcore bands Nehemiah [9] , and Dead To Fall. [10]
After Dead To Fall's break-up in 2008 [11] , Fjerstad relocated to Los Angeles, California, where he formed industrial metal duo Chiildren [12] , Ass Life, and More Ephemerol, which was initially a solo vehicle. [13]
In 2014, Fjerstad launched the imprint Ephemerol Night Terrors [14] , through which he would release a great quantity of his projects including music albums and paperback books, as well as releases by other notable artists such as underground icon Geneva Jacuzzi. [15]
In 2018, Fjerstad joined Darkest Hour's frontman John Henry in the side project The Primals. [16]
Though generally functioning as a complementary player to other songwriters in the past, Fjerstad began receiving favorable reviews between 2019 and 2023, for his own compositional works heard through releases by K'mono [17] , More Ephemerol, and under his surname. [18]
Chad Fjerstad
More Ephemerol
Ass Life
The Primals
Dead To Fall