Chain fern is a common name for several ferns and may refer to:
Sword fern is a common name for several ferns and may refer to:
Marestail may refer to:
Ground pine or ground-pine may refer to:
A resurrection plant is any poikilohydric plant that can survive extreme dehydration, even over months or years.
Rue is a strongly scented plant used medicinally and as a culinary herb
Adder's tongue is a common name for several plants and may refer to:
Bird's-nest fern is a common name applied to several related species of epiphytic ferns in the genus Asplenium. They grow in a tight, nest-like clump with a lingulate leaf rosette and are usually epiphytic, growing in trees.
Holly fern or hollyfern is a common name for several different species and genera of ferns:
Water fern is a common name for several plants and may refer to:
Asparagus fern is a common name given to several plants in the genus Asparagus. It may refer to:
Walking fern may refer to two species of fern in the genus Asplenium which are occasionally placed in a separate genus Camptosorus. The name "walking fern" derives from the fact that new plantlets grow wherever the arching leaves of the parent touch the ground, creating a walking effect. Both have evergreen, undivided, slightly leathery leaves which are triangular and taper to a thin point. On the bottom of the leaves, sori, or spore-bearing structures, cluster along the veins. These hardy plants can be found in shady spots of limestone ledges and limy forest places.
Hay-scented fern is a common name for several plants and may refer to:
A. acaulis may refer to:
Diplazium is a genus of ferns that specifically includes the approximately 400 known species of twinsorus ferns. The Greek root is diplazein meaning double: the indusia in this genus lie on both sides of the vein. These ferns were earlier considered part of either the Athyriaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Aspleniaceae, or Polypodiaceae families or recognized as belonging to their own taxonomic family. The Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group classification of 2016 places the genus in the Athyriaceae. The taxonomy of the genus is difficult and poorly known, and by 2009 has never been the subject of a complete monographic study. Their distribution is pantropical, with a few species extending into temperate areas.
C. fragilis may refer to:
Common polypody is a common name for several ferns in the genus Polypodium and may refer to:
Princess pine may refer to:
Foxtail fern is a common name given to several ornamental plants in the genus Asparagus. It may refer to:
Female fern may refer to:
Hen and chicken is a common name for several unrelated groups of plants. The name refers to the tendency of certain of these species to reproduce vegetatively by means of plantlets. These tiny plants are produced by the mother plant, and take root on touching the ground.