Chaos machine

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In mathematics, a chaos machine is a class of algorithms constructed on the base of chaos theory (mainly deterministic chaos) to produce pseudo-random oracles. It represents the idea of creating a universal scheme with modular design and customizable parameters, which can be applied wherever randomness and sensitiveness is needed. [1]


Theoretical model was published in early 2016 by Maciej A. Czyzewski. [2] It was designed specifically to combine the benefits of hash function and pseudo-random function. However, it can be used to implement many cryptographic primitives, including cryptographic hashes, message authentication codes and randomness extractors. [3] [4]

The flexibility of the chaos machine design allows it to be tailored for different applications by adjusting the choice of parameters. For example, the period length of the pseudo-random output can be targeted by selecting the appropriate space parameter. [2]

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  1. Blackledge, J M (March 10, 2010). Cryptography using Chaos (PDF) (Speech). Executive Speeches. Warsaw University of Technology.
  2. 1 2 Maciej A. Czyzewski (2016). Chaos Machine: Different Approach to the Application and Significance of Numbers (Report). Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2016/468.
  3. Barker, Elaine; Barker, William; Burr, William; Polk, William; Smid, Miles (July 2012). "Recommendation for Key Management" (PDF). NIST Special Publication 800-57. NIST . Retrieved 19 August 2013.
  4. Kaneko, Kunihiko; Tsuda, Ichiro (2001). Complex systems : chaos and beyond a constructive approach with applications in life sciences. Physics and astronomy online library (in Japanese). Springer. ISBN   3-540-67202-8. Archived from the original on 2016-12-28. Retrieved 2016-12-27.