Charlot is a Danish, German, Norwegian, and Swedish feminine given name that is an alternate form of Charlotte and a feminine form of Carl as well as the masculine Charlot. [1] Charlot is a French masculine given name that is a diminutive form of Charles and a masculine form of Charlotte. [2] Notable people referred to by this name include the following:
Mitrofanov is a masculine surname. The feminine form is Mitrofanova. Notable persons with that name include:
Carlie is an English feminine given name and nickname that is a feminine form of Carl and an alternate form of Carla. Notable people referred to by this name include the following:
Charlotta is a Danish, Finnish and Swedish feminine given name that is an alternate form of Charlotte and a feminine form of the masculine version of Charlot and Carl. Notable people referred to by this name include the following:
Skryabin, Skrjabin; Scriabine or Scriabin is a Russian masculine surname, its feminine form is Skryabina or Scriabina. It may refer to:
Tona, Toña, Toňa and Tóna are given names. Tona is a Danish, Norwegian, Spanish and Swedish feminine given name in use in Denmark, Greenland, Sweden, Norway, Spain, parts of the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Western Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and the Falkland Islands. The name is a short form of Antonia as well as an alternate form of Þone. Tona is also a Danish, Norwegian and Swedish feminine given name in use in Denmark, Greenland, Sweden, and Norway as a short form of Antona as well as an alternate form of Tone and Torny. Tóna is a Faroese feminine given name that is an alternate form of Tona, Tone and Torny. Toña is a Spanish feminine given name that is a short form of Antonia used in Spain, parts of the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Western Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and the Falkland Islands. Toňa is a Czech masculine given name that is a diminutive form of Antonín used in the Czech Republic. It is also a surname. Notable people with this name include the following:
Tonnie is a Danish, Dutch, Portuguese and Swedish given name and diminutive nickname with both masculine and feminine uses. As a Danish and Swedish name it is used as a diminutive of Antonia in Greenland, Denmark and Sweden, but also has masculine uses. As a Dutch name it has feminine used as a diminutive of Antonia in Belgium, Indonesia, Suriname, South Africa, Namibia, and the Netherlands. As both a Dutch and Portuguese name it has masculine use as diminutives of Antônio, António, Antonius, Anton, Antoon, Anthonis, and Anthoon in Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Mozambique, Belgium, Indonesia, Suriname, South Africa, Namibia, and the Netherlands. Notable people with the name include the following:
Antonine is a Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian feminine given name that is a form of Antonina and a diminutive form of Antonia that is used in Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Greenland. It is also a masculine name. Notable people with this name include the following individuals:
Donka is a feminine Bulgarian given name that is a diminutive form of the masculine name Andon used in Bulgaria. It is also a Polish feminine given name that is a diminutive form of Donata used in Poland, as well as a Russian feminine given name that is a diminutive form of Domna used in Israel, Vietnam, Moldova, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland. Notable people with this name include the following:
Tonin or Toñín is a masculine given name and a surname. Toñín is a Spanish masculine given name and nickname that is a diminutive form of Antonio in use in Spain, parts of the United States, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Western Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay, and the Falkland Islands. Notable people with this name include the following:
Charla is an English feminine given name that is a feminine form of Charles. Notable people with the name include:
Charli is a Spanish masculine given name and nickname that is a diminutive form of Carlos as well as an English unisex given name and nickname that is a feminine form of Charlie and a diminutive form of Charles and Charline. It may also derive from Charlotte. Notable people referred to by this name include the following:
Charle is a Finnish, French and Swedish masculine given name and nickname that is an alternate form of Charles as well as an English feminine given name and nickname that is a diminutive form of Scarlet and Scarlett. Notable people referred to by this name include the following:
Karli is an English feminine given name that is an alternate form of Karlie and Carly as well as Danish and Swedish feminine given name that is a diminutive form of Karla and an alternate form of Karly. It is a Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Old Danish, Old Norse and Swedish masculine given name that is a diminutive form of Karl. Notable people known by this name include the following:
Kalla, Kállá or Källa is a given name and surname. It is a Danish, Finnish, Icelandic and Swedish feminine given name that is a feminine form of Kalle, short form of Karolina and an alternate form of Karla. Kalla is also an English feminine given name, but its derived from the Greek root name Kalós. Kállá is a Sami masculine given name that is an alternate form of Kalle. Notable people who are known by this name include the following:
Chara or Chará is a feminine given name and a surname. Chara is an English feminine given name that is a diminutive form of Charlotte as well as an alternate form of Cara and Kara from the Latin cārus meaning “darling, beloved, dear, loved one”. Chara is also a Spanish feminine given name as an alternate form for Sarah. Chará is a Greek feminine given name from the Ancient Greek word khará which means joy, gladness. It is a short form of the feminine name Charalampía which is a combination of the Ancient Greek roots khará and lámpō (shine). It is also a short form of the feminine name Chariclea who was one of the Forty Holy Virgin Martyrs who were tortured because they would not offer sacrifice to idols and kept their Christian Faith. Chariclea is a combination of the Ancient Greek roots charis (grace) and kleos (glory). Notable people who are known by this name include the following:
Mito, Mit'o and Mitó is a nickname and surname. Mito is a Georgian and Slovene masculine diminutive form of the names Dimitrij, Demetre and Dimitri. Mito is a Japanese name. Mitó is a short form of the feminine Portuguese blended name Maria Antonia. Mit'o is a diminutive form of the Bulgarian masculine given name Dimitar.
Lotty is an English feminine given name that is a diminutive form of Charlotte or Lieselotte, an alternate form of Lotte, and that is also related to Lisa, Elisa and Elisabeth. Notable people with the name include the following:
Lotti is a Danish, German, and Swedish feminine given name that is a diminutive form of Charlotte or Lieselotte, an alternate form of Lotte, and that is also related to Lisa, Elisa and Elisabeth. Notable people with the name include the following:
Lotten is a Norwegian, and Swedish feminine given name that is a short form of Charlotte or Lieselotte, an alternate form of Lotte, and that is also related to Lisa, Elisa and Elisabeth. Notable people with the name include the following:
Charlo is a given name, nickname, or surname. Notable people with this name include the following: