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The charota, is a musical instrument played in Ireland, whose exact description is contested.

According to Irish historian Gratton Flood, it was a small harp played with a bow. The instrument could be rested on knees or on a table. [1]

Flood notes that the historian Gerbert[ who? ] had described the charota as an oblong instrument with six strings, four of which on a fingerboard and two off of it. [2]

Historian Carl Engel noted that a 6th-century CE Italian writer, Venantius Fortunatus, had mentioned the "Charota Britanna" in a poem, but did not mention any bow. [3]

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  1. Nora Joan Clark (1 November 2003). The story of the Irish harp: its history and influence. North Creek Press. pp. 31–. ISBN   978-0-9724202-0-4 . Retrieved 6 April 2011.
  2. William Henry Grattan Flood (1905). The story of the harp. Scott. pp. 9–. Retrieved 6 April 2011.
  3. Carl Engel (1876). Musical instruments ... Scribner, Welford, and Armstrong. pp. 93–. Retrieved 6 April 2011.