Claudio Canaparo

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Claudio Canaparo
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Born (1962-10-07) 7 October 1962 (age 62)
Era 21st-century philosophy
Region Contemporary philosophy
School Latin American thinking, continental philosophy
Main interests

Claudio Canaparo is currently a visiting professor at Universidad de Quilmes, in Argentina. He has written as a literary critic, epistemologist, sociology of culture analyst and philosopher.


Education and career

Canaparo was born in the city port of Campana, Buenos Aires, Argentina, to a mother of Hebrew origins and an Italian rooted father; he was a traveller, manual worker and scientific researcher before entering academia. He studied at the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Rosario, at the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) in Buenos Aires, at the DAMS (delle arti, della musica e dello spettacolo) at the Università degli Studi di Bologna, and received his Ph.D. under the supervision of William Rowe at King's College London in 2000.

Prevented from working in Europe as a philosopher or social scientist, he developed most of his projects in academia as a ‘Latin American specialist’. He joined the Faculty of Arts at Exeter University in 1995 where he created the Centre for Latin American Studies. In 2009 he was appointed Visiting Professor at Birkbeck College, where he stays until 2015. He was also Associated Researcher at the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve in Belgium between 2007 and 2012. Between 2015 and 2021 he was professor or philosophy at the Académie de Bordeaux in France.

In 2012 he started to supervise and teach within the postgraduate program from the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes and from Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, both in Argentina. In the same year he developed a project of teaching basic philosophy to 8–10 years old children from ‘Arc-en-Ciel’ public school of Feugarolles in France. From 2015 to 2021 he taught philosophy at the Lycée Stendhal (Aiguillon), at the Lycée George Sand (Nérac), and at Lycée Jean-Baptiste de Baudre (Agen), all in France.

The principal effort of his work goes to establish the relation between knowledge and conceptual evolution, mainly focused on theories and related concepts about space with peripheral areas of the planet or, more precisely, having the peripheral spaces of the planet as its main intellectual frame. Themes of his works also include sociology of knowledge (Muerte y transfiguración de la cultura rioplatense, 2005), epistemology (Geo-epistemology. Latin America and the Location of Knowledge, 2009) and colonialism (La cuestión periférica. Heidegger, Derrida, Europa, 2021), authorship theory (The Manufacture of an Author, 2000; El mundo Ingaramo, 2015), and science and writing (Ciencia y escritura, 2003).

In the 2010s he was working in relation with the radical changes that the Anthropocene conditions of the biosphere has in terms of speculation and thinking, always in peripheral areas of the planet (El mundo de atrás. Efecto antropoceno y especulación en los ámbitos periféricos, 2019; El pensamiento basura. Transitoriedad, materia, viaje y mundo periférico, 2017). More specifically, he is trying to explore the growing entanglement between thinking and anthropology, and the consequences, on peripheral areas of planet, of the classical philosophical tradition of using cartesian-kantian ways of conceptualization to justify a theory of understanding (El fin de la naturaleza. Fallo y propósito en la especulación. Antropología de la naturaleza en la periferia, 2023).

More recently he had been working on the consequences and possibilities that a radical standing concerning academic institutions, post-colonialism, climate change and the mercantilization of knowledge have in terms of understanding and savoir-faire within peripheral areas of planet (Insurrección nativa. Antropofósiles, inhumanismo, especulación, 2024). Equally, he is working in an intellectual and conceptual history written from an ethnographical reversal standpoint. Currently, his focus is on formulating a notion of understanding as a tool to determine what can be considered as politics in terms of Anthropocene and from a peripheral point of view.

Select bibliography


Articles/ chapters in books

Articles in journals
