Conall mac Fidhghal, 24th King of Uí Maine, died 782.
Connall's era is very obscure. Following two relatively lengthy reigns under Aedh Ailghin (died 767) and Dunchadh ua Daimhine (died 780), his kingship marked the start of some four or five short reigns.
This may indicate conflict, perhaps due to internal succession disputes or aggression from the expanding Uí Briúin under Artgal mac Cathail (died 791).
Flaithbertach mac Loingsig was a High King of Ireland. He was a member of the Cenél Conaill, a branch of the northern Uí Néill. He was the son of Loingsech mac Óengusso, a previous high king. He ruled from 728 to 734.
Fráech mac Finchada or Fróech mac Findchado was a king of Leinster. Fráech was a member of the Dál Messin Corb dynasty's principal sub-sept, the Uí Garrchon. He succeeded his father, Fincath mac Garrchu,. He ruled from 485 to 495.
Ainmuire mac Sétnai or Ainmire or Ainmere was a High King of Ireland from the Cenél Conaill branch of the Uí Néill. He was the great-grandson of Conall Gulban, founder of this branch. He ruled from 566 to 569. He was the first high king from the Cenél Conaill.
Loingsech mac Óengusso was an Irish king who was High King of Ireland. Loingsech was a member of the northern Cenél Conaill branch of the Uí Néill. Although his father Óengus had not been High King, his grandfather Domnall mac Áedo had been.
Colmán mac Cobthaig was a king of Connacht from the Ui Fiachrach. He was the first king of Connacht from the Ui Fiachrach Aidhne branch. This branch was descended from Eochu, the brother of Ailill Molt. According to the Book of Ballymote he was the grandson of Goibnenn mac Conaill (flor.537), the first Aidne king mentioned in the annals, but Rawlinson Genealogies name his grandfather as Gabrán.
Faílbe Flann mac Áedo Duib was a King of Munster from the Eóganacht Chaisil branch of the Eoganachta. He succeeded Cathal mac Áedo Flaind Chathrach of the Glendamnach branch in 628. He was the younger brother of a previous king Fíngen mac Áedo Duib. His sobriquet Flann meant "blood-red".
Fáelán mac Colmáin was a King of Leinster from the Uí Dúnlainge branch of the Laigin. He was the son of Colmán Már mac Coirpri, a previous king. Faelan was the founder of the true fortunes of the Ui Dunlainge dynasty.
Crundmáel Erbuilc mac Rónáin was a King of Leinster from the Uí Cheinnselaig branch of the Laigin. He was the son of Rónán mac Colmáin, a previous king of the Sil Chormaic sept.
Fiannamail mac Máele Tuile was a King of Leinster from the Uí Máil branch of the Laigin. He was the great-grandson of Áed Dibchine mac Senaig, a previous king and grandson of Rónán Crach, possibly the Leinster king mentioned in the saga "Fingal Rónáin".
Murchad mac Brain Mut was a King of Leinster from the Uí Dúnlainge branch of the Laigin. He was the son of Bran Mut mac Conaill, a previous king. He ruled from 715 to 727.
Suibne mac Colmáin was a King of Uisnech in Mide of the Clann Cholmáin. He was the son of Colmán Már mac Diarmato, also King of Uisnech. He ruled Uisnech from 587 to 600.
Máel Dóid mac Suibni was a King of Uisnech in Mide of the Clann Cholmáin. He was the son Suibne mac Colmáin and brother of Conall Guthbinn mac Suibni, previous kings. He ruled from 635 to 653.
Maine mac Cerbaill was a king of Uisnech in Mide of the Ui Neill. He was the son of Fergus Cerrbél, grandson of Conall Cremthainne and brother of the high king Diarmait mac Cerbaill. He ruled from 520 to 538.
Eochaid mac Domnaill, also Eochaid Find, was an Irish king who is included in some lists as a High King of Ireland. He was the son of Domnall Ilchelgach and grandson of Muirchertach mac Muiredaig, also considered high kings. He was a member of the Cenél nEógain branch of the northern Uí Néill. He ruled in Ailech from 565 to 571.
Áed mac Conchobair was a King of Connacht from the Uí Briúin branch of the Connachta. He was the son of Conchobar mac Taidg Mór, the previous king and was the first of his three sons to rule in succession. He was of the Síl Muiredaig sept of the Uí Briúin. He ruled from 882-888.
Bran mac Fáeláin was a King of Leinster of the Uí Dúnchada sept of the Uí Dúnlainge branch of the Laigin. This sept had their royal seat at Líamhain. He was the nephew of Fínsnechta Cethardec mac Cellaig and grandson of Cellach mac Dúnchada, previous kings. His father Fáelán had been abbot of Kildare. Bran ruled from 835 to 838.
Lorcán mac Cellaig was a King of Leinster of the Uí Muiredaig sept of the Uí Dúnlainge branch of the Laigin. This sept had their royal seat at Maistiu (Mullaghmast) in the south of modern County Kildare. He was the son of Cellach mac Brain, a previous king.
Tuathal mac Máele-Brigte was a King of Leinster of the Uí Muiredaig sept of the Uí Dúnlainge branch of the Laigin. This sept had their royal seat at Maistiu (Mullaghmast) in South Kildare. He was possibly the son of Muiredach mac Brain, a previous king. However he is known as the son of Máel-Brigte in the annals, which person's identity is unknown.
Conall mac Fidhghal, 25th King of Uí Maine, died 782.
Amhalgaidh, 26th King of Uí Maine, died 784.