Corps colours (NPA)

Last updated
WMacht H OF10-1 Kragenspiegel Offiziere 1945.jpg

Corps colours, or Troop-function colours, (German: "Waffenfarbe(n)") were worn by the National People's Army of the German Democratic Republic from 1956 to 1990.



The GDR NPA uniforms initially bore the corps colours as worn by the Wehrmacht, i.e. as base and filling of the collar and sleeve patches, and as a piping around the shoulder boards/shoulder straps.

Between 1974 and 1976, alongside the introduction of uniforms with open collar and tie, patches of the NPA Landstreitkräfte uniforms were unified across all corps, with a   Steingrau base and a white filling, along with white collar piping; the piping of the shoulder boards/shoulder straps remained the only part carrying Waffenfarbe.

However, Air Forces of the National People's Army, paratroopers and generals as well as the Volksmarine continued to wear their specially designed and coloured patches. [1]

The uniform of the Border Troops was distinguished from that of the NVA ground force and Air Force/Air Defence Force by a green armband with large silver letters identifying the wearer's affiliation, and a green cap band.

The tables below contain the corps colours used by the NPA since 1986. [2] )

Land Forces of the National People's Army

⇒ see main article Ranks of the National People's Army

Regiment or Battalion typeColourInsigniasRank
General Officers, ground forcesScarlet
GDR Army OF8 Generaloberst.gif GDR Army Arab OF6-9.jpg Colonel general
White GDR Army OR2 Gefreiter.gif Gefreiter
Panzers Rose-pink
GDR Army W4 Stabsoberfahnrich.gif Stabs-Oberfaehnrich
  • Engineers
  • Chemical services
  • Motor vehicle service
  • Military transport service
Black GDR Army OR6 Feldwebel.gif Feldwebel
Signals Yellow GDR Army OF-1a Oberleutnant.gif Oberleutnant
Rear service:
  • Supply
  • Legal service
  • Financial service
Dark green GDR Army OF3 Major.gif Major
Military bands White GDR Army OF4 Oberstleutnant.gif Oberstleutnant
Paratroopers [3] Orange GDR Army W2 Oberfahnrich.gif Oberfaehnrich
  • Rocket troops & Artillery
  • Rocket and weapon technical service
  • Army air defence
  • Mechanization and automation of command and control
GDR Army OF2 Hauptmann.gif Captain
Construction soldiers Olive
Steingrau (also: Feldgrau)Steingrau GDR Army W1-4 Fahnrich sleeve.jpg GDR AF OF6MajGen Fly-suit.JPG basic colour of the uniform

Air Forces of the National People's Army

Regiment or Battalion typeColourInsigniasRankRemarks
General officers Sky blue GDR Air Force OF7 Generalleutnant.gif Lieutenant general Also Generals of the Air defense forces and of the Funktechnische Truppen
Air Force GDR Air Force OF-1b Leutnant.gif Lieutenant Officers and warrant officers (Fähnriche)
Air Force GDR Air Force OR-4 Stabsgefreiter.gif StabsgefreiterRank and file and sergeants
Air Defence Force [4] Light greyIncluding rank and file, sergeants, warrant officers (comp.) and officers

Border Troops of the German Democratic Republic

Border troop ratingsColourInsigniasRankRemarks
Generale Green GDR Border Troops OF6 Generalmajor.gif Major generalPipings, peaked cap stripe, collar patches, lampasses and stripes in green
warrant officers
GDR Army W1 Fahnrich.gif Warrant officer of the border troopsPipings, peaked cap stripe, and stripes in green
Sergeants, rank and file GDR Border Troops OR5 Unterfeldwebel.gif Unterfeldwebel Pipings, peaked cap stripe, and stripes in green


Volksmarine ratingsColourInsigniasRank
Flag officersNavy blue GDR Navy Arab OF6-9.jpg OF-6 Konteradmiral VM.gif Flottenadmiral to Konteradmiral
Officers OF-5 Kapitan zur See VM.gif OF-1c Unterleutnant zur See VM.gif Kapitän zur See to Unterleutnant (zur See)
Warrant officers
GDR Navy W4 Stabsoberfahnrich.gif GDR Navy W1 Fahnrich.gif Stabsoberfähnrich to Fähnrich
Petty Officers GDR Navy OR8 Stabsobermeister.gif GDR Navy OR4b Maat auf Zeit.gif Stabsobermeister to Maat
Seamen OR4 Stabsmatrose VM.gif GDR Navy OR1 Matrose.gif Stabsmatrose to Matrose

Civil defense of the GDR

Civil defense of the GDR

Other users

Waffenfarben were also worn by the troops of the Stasi, "Ministry for State Security", the Ministry of Internal Affairs with several branches of the police, fire brigades, etc.

See also


  1. Klaus-Ulrich Keubke, Manfred Kunz: Uniformen der Nationalen Volksarmee der DDR 1956-1986. Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, Berlin 1990, p. 159, 175
  2. Keubke/Kunz, ibid. p. 261, 238 ff.
  3. The collar patches of the paratroopers showed an open parachute above a wing.
  4. Klaus-Ulrich Keubke, Manfred Kunz: Militärische Uniformen in der DDR 1949-1990. Mittler & Sohn, Hamburg/Berlin/Bonn 2009, p. 187 ff.