The county courts are the state of Florida's trial courts, and are courts of limited jurisdiction where minor criminal (misdemeanor) and civil cases are heard. [1] There is a county court in each of Florida's 67 counties.
County courts have jurisdiction:
County court decisions may be appealed to the Florida District Courts of Appeal, as set forth in Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.030. [7]
To be eligible to be a county court judge, a person must be a member of the Florida Bar, and in counties with a population of 40,000 or more, to have been so for five years. [8]
Florida has a two-tier trial court system of circuit and county courts that was established in 1972, as Article V of the Florida Constitution was adopted. [1]
In November 2024, the Florida Supreme Court suspended Seminole County Circuit Court judge Wayne Culver for 60 days without pay, ruling that he acted like a “playground bully” in court, cursing defendants (for example: "I asked you a f—ing question, a–hole”), holding or threatening to hold several people in contempt of court, and denying their rights. He received a public reprimand in addition to his suspension. [9]