Cryptanalytic computer

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ATLAS UNIVAC 1101 "Atlas" cryptanalytic installation.jpg

A cryptanalytic computer is a computer designed to be used for cryptanalysis, which nowadays involves massive statistical analysis and multiple trial decryptions that since before World War II are possible only with automated equipment. Polish cryptanalysts designed and built automated aids in their work on Enigma traffic. Arguably, the first modern computer (digital, electronic, and somewhat programmable) was built for cryptanalytic work at Bletchley Park (the Colossus) during the war. More modern computers were important after World War II, and some machines (like the Cray-1) are reported[ according to whom? ] to have had machine instructions hardwired in at the request of NSA.

Computers continue to be important in cryptanalysis well into the 21st century. NSA, in fact, is said to have the largest number of installed computers on the planet. Whether this is true in an age of Google computer farms and such is doubtful but remains publicly unknown. [1]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Books on cryptography</span>

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The Testery was a section at Bletchley Park, the British codebreaking station during World War II. It was set up in July 1942 as the "FISH Subsection" under Major Ralph Tester, hence its alternative name. Four founder members were Tester himself and three senior cryptanalysts were Captain Jerry Roberts, Captain Peter Ericsson and Major Denis Oswald. All four were fluent in German. From 1 July 1942 on, this team switched and was tasked with breaking the German High Command's most top-level code Tunny after Bill Tutte successfully broke Tunny system in Spring 1942.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Fritz Menzer</span>

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  1. Gladwin, Lee A. (2007-10-08). "Bulldozer: A Cribless Rapid Analytical Machine (RAM) Solution to Enigma and its Variations". Cryptologia. 31 (4): 305–315. doi:10.1080/01611190701506022. ISSN   0161-1194. S2CID   45817948.