D.A.K., (German acronym for Deutches Afrikakorps, the German expeditionary force sent to Africa during World War II), is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1982 that simulates the North African Campaign.
The German High Command sent the Deutches Afrikakorps to Africa in early 1941 to shore up Italian forces, which had not fared well against British forces. The German forces immediately proved they were the equals of the British, setting off a two-year campaign to determine primacy in North Africa. [1]
D.A.K. is a two-person wargame in which one player controls Allied forces and the other controls Axis forces.
The hex grid map is designed to be cut lengthwise, and both pieces laid end to end to represent North Africa from Damascus to Casablanca.
D.A.K. is designed as a game of supply in the form of "Ops Points", which are needed to move, to fight, and even to remain stationary. The game designer, Stephen Newberg, wrote, "[The North African Campaign] has often been called the Quartermaster's War, and this is not far from wrong. With D.A.K., I wanted to show this aspect with all its limitations while still maintaining a viewpoint for the players as overall theatre commanders." [2]
Each player receives several hundred Ops Points each turn, but these arrive in friendly ports and have to be moved inland to the units needing them, paying a cost per hex in points that varies according to terrain.
Players can create supply dumps close to the front so that supply can be more easily and quickly moved to units.
Stephen Newberg designed D.A.K. as an exercise in supply control, and Simulations Canada published it in 1982 with a print run of 1000 copies featuring cover art by Newberg and John Kula. [2]
The following year Simulations Canada published another Newberg game, La Regia Marina , a game about the war in the Mediterranean, which contains rules so that it can be mated to D.A.K. to make a combined game about the entire Mediterranean-North African campaign. [2]
In Issue 38 of Fire & Movement , Jay Selover found the supply bookkeeping overwhelming, writing, "Every North Africa game requires logistics constraints, but the bookkeeping really cuts into D.A.K. The key to understanding and playing D.A.K. is 'Ops Points'. You have to plan pretty much what you want to do in a turn right from the beginning." Selover concluded, "The supply system does accurately portray the limitations under which theater commanders operated. D.A.K. has a few bright spots, but struggles in an attempt to simulate strategically what was mainly an operational theater." [3]
In a retrospective review in Issue 10 of Simulacrum, Steve Carey called D.A.K. a game that stood out from the many games about action in North Africa, commenting, "Amidst a plethora of other North Africa games, D.A.K. actually generated a fair amount of interest for me. Yes, one will need a calculator, as there is a lot of number tracking here." Carey concluded, "Intended to link up with the La Regia Marina naval design, this still is a decent looking stand-alone item, though it does appear that it would really shine when mated up with L.R.M." [2]
PanzerArmee Afrika, subtitled "Rommel in the Desert, April 1941 - November 1942", is a board wargame published by Simulations Publications, Inc. (SPI) in 1973 that simulates the World War II North African Campaign that pitted the Axis forces commanded by Erwin Rommel against Allied forces. The game was revised and republished in 1984 by Avalon Hill.
Afrika Korps is a board wargame published by Avalon Hill in 1964 and re-released in 1965 and 1978 that simulates the North Africa Campaign during World War II.
Lee at the Crossroads is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada (SimCan) in 1980 that simulates the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg during the American Civil War. Each player takes the role of one of the opposing commanders, Confederate general Robert E. Lee or Union general George Meade.
The Conquerors is a package of two board wargames published by Simulations Publications Inc. (SPI) in 1977. One game, The Macedonians, simulates the invasion of Persia by Alexander the Great, and the other, The Romans, covers the eastward expansion of the Roman Empire following the Second Punic War.
Oil War: American Intervention in the Persian Gulf is a board wargame published by Simulations Publications, Inc. (SPI) in 1975 that simulates a hypothetical invasion of oil-producing countries in the Middle East in response to the oil crisis of 1973.
Road to Richmond, subtitled "The Peninsular Campaign, May–July, 1862", is a board wargame published by Simulations Publications Inc. (SPI) in 1977 that simulates the Peninsula Campaign of 1862 during the American Civil War.
The Peloponnesian War is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada (SimCan) in 1977 that simulates the 5th century BCE war between the Greek cities of Athens and Sparta.
Assault on Tobruk, subtitled "Rommel Triumphant, 20 June 1942," is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1980 that simulates the North African Battle of Tobruk during World War II. Compass Games later reissued a new edition of the game.
IJN, subtitled "A Tactical Game of Naval and Naval-Air Combat in The Pacific, 1941–1945," is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1978 that simulates various naval encounters during the Pacific Campaign of World War II. It was the first in a series of three interlocking naval wargames.
Hannibal: The Italian Campaign is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1983 that simulates Hannibal's eight-year campaign against Rome during the Second Punic War.
Inchon, subtitled "Turning the Tide in Korea, 15–26 September 1950", is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1981 that simulates the amphibious assault at Incheon during the Korean War.
The Wilderness, subtitled "Lee Meets Grant: An Operational Study", is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1983 that simulates the Battle of the Wilderness during the American Civil War.
Rockets Red Glare, subtitled "An Operational and Strategic Study of the War of 1812 in North America", is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1980 that simulates the War of 1812. The game's title is taken from the American national anthem The Star Spangled Banner, written by poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships in 1814.
La Regia Marina,, subtitled "A Strategic Study of the Naval War in the Mediterranean & Black Sea, 1940–1943", is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1983 that simulates the air and naval war in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea during World War II. It was designed to be mated to a previous Simulations Canada about the North African Campaign, D.A.K., to produce a large combined game about the entire theatre.
West Front, subtitled "The Campaign in Europe, 1943–1945, is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1985 that simulates, at a strategic level, combat operations in the European Theater during World War II. It can be married to another Simulations Canada game, Lebensraum!, which deals with the Eastern Front, producing a large game covering the conflict from England to Russia and Norway to the Mediterranean.
Lebensraum, subtitled "The Campaign in the East, 1941–1945", is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1984 that simulates, at a strategic level, Russo-German conflict on the Eastern Front during World War II. It can be married to another Simulations Canada game, West Front, which deals with the European Theatre, producing a large game covering the conflict from England to Russia and Norway to the Mediterranean.
I Will Fight No More... Forever, subtitled "A Strategic and Tactical Study of the Retreat of the Nez Perce, 1877", is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1979 that simulates the Nez Perce War. The title of the game is taken from the words of surrender attributed to Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce.
Man of War, subtitled "A Game of Fleet Combat in the Age of Sail, 1775–1815", is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1983 that simulates fleet and squadron naval engagements during the Age of Sail.
Power and Resolution, subtitled "A Study of the English Civil War, 1642–1651", is a board wargame published by Simulations Canada in 1984 that simulates the English Civil War.
Rommel in the Desert is a block wargame published by The Game Preserve in 1982 that simulates the North African campaign during World War II.