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Dandelon.com is a search engine for the academic community, started in 2004. [1] The solution was invented in 2001 by Manfred Hauer of AGI and Karl Raedler from Vorarlberger Landesbibliothek, Austria. [2] dandelon.com community is a European pioneer in catalog enrichment. Linked libraries digitize tables of contents of books and capture details of periodicals by using OCR, text analytics, machine translation and put results to catalogues, discovery engines and library sharing centers for crosslanguage and multilingual retrieval. [3]

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Free Workers Union of Germany

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  1. Vergleich der Retrievalleistungen von Bibliothekskatalogen gegen erweiterte und neue Konzept
  2. Im 7. Jahr der Digitalisierung von Inhaltsverzeichnissen aus der Vorarlberger Landesbibliothek
  3. Hauer, Manfred (2007). "dandelon.com : kollaborative, maschinelle Content-Erschließung und semantisches, multilinguales Retrieval". Zugang zum Fachwissen : ODOK '05. Wolfgang Neugebauer Verlag. pp. 20–23. Retrieved 1 December 2020.
