Department of Labour (New Brunswick)

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The Department of Labour was a part of the Government of New Brunswick. It was charged with the enforcement of labour standards and facilitating relations between employers and employees in New Brunswick. This department was separated from the Department of Health in 1944. The department was renamed Labour and Human Resources in 1983 and then Labour and Manpower in 1985. From 1991 to 1998, this department's functions were incorporated in the Department of Advanced Education and Labour. In 1998, that department's functions were split between the Department of Labour and the Department of Education. In 2000, most of the department's functions were transferred to the new Department of Training and Employment Development.


1. E. S. Mooers September 27, 1944 – October 8, 1952under John McNair
2. Arthur Skaling October 8, 1952 – March 24, 1960under Hugh John Flemming
3. K. J. Webber July 12, 1960 – November 20, 1967under Louis Robichaud
4. H. H. Williamson November 20, 1967 – February 11, 1970
5. Fernand Nadeau February 11, 1970 – November 12, 1970?
6. Rodman Logan July 18, 1972 – March 22, 1977under Richard Hatfield
7. Paul Creaghan March 22, 1977 – November 1, 1977
8. Lawrence Garvie November 1, 1977 – November 21, 1978
9. Mabel M. DeWare November 21, 1978 – October 20, 1982
10. Joseph Mombourquette October 20, 1982 - October 27, 1987
11. Mike McKee October 27, 1987 – October 9, 1991under Frank McKenna
12. Joan Kingston May 14, 1998 – June 21, 1999under Camille Thériault
13. Norm McFarlane June 11, 1999 – June 27, 1999under Bernard Lord
