Donata Francescato

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Donata Francescato
BornApril 17, 1944
Arona, Italy
Alma mater Rice University
University of Houston, Texas

Donata Francescato (born April 17, 1944 in Arona, Italy) is an Italian community psychologist and academic, trained in the United States, and known in academia and the media for her work on sex roles, communes, and personal and organizational empowerment. Her work in community psychology led to the discipline being recognized in 1985 as a compulsory subject in Italian universities where psychology is taught as a major subject. [1]


Francescato is currently the Scientific Director of the post-graduate School of Specialization in clinical community psychology and psychotherapy at ASPIC (Associazione per lo Sviluppo Psicologico dell'Individuo e della Comunità, Association for the Psychological Development of the Individual and the Community). [2] Previously, she was a Full Professor of Community Psychology at the University of Rome, a position she retired from in 2014 at the age of 70. [3] [4] [5]


Francescato earned her B.A. in French literature from Rice University in 1967. [6] She later went on to receive an M.A. in French literature from Rice University in 1970, [7] and a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Houston in 1972. [3] [8] Her post-doctoral fellowship was undertaken at Brandeis University as a research associate in the Sociology department. [3]

Upon her return to Italy, she wrote the first Italian textbook on community psychology and co-founded Effe, a feminist magazine active from 1972 to 1982. [9] She also co-founded the European Network of Community Psychologists (ENCP) which gave birth to the European Association Community Association (ECPA). [10] She is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, the Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice,Psicologia di Comunità (Community Psychology) and Psicoterapia Familiare (Family Psychotherapy). [11] [12] [13] [14]

During her academic career Francescato developed the concept and practice of innovative online teaching methodologies to teach professional competences using computer-supported collaborative learning. She also developed intervention methodologies to promote individual, group, organizational and community empowerment, as well as many intervention programs for the empowerment of women, immigrants and members of disadvantaged communities. One prong of her research involves evaluating these methodologies. [10] [15]


Francescato's contributions fall in three main areas. In women's studies, she investigates sex roles in families and communes; gender differences among activists, local and national politicians; dual career families; single childrearing; and separation and divorce processes. [16] [17] She is currently studying gender differences in aging processes, studying triads of caregiver/elder/most involved relative, as well as triads of grandparent/parent/adult grandchild, for effects on systemic wellbeing and intergenerational solidarity. [18] [19]

In the field of theory-grounded intervention methodologies, she investigates: personal empowerment using traditional media and online social networks; [20] [21] organizational empowerment through participatory multidimensional organizational analysis; [22] [23] and community empowerment through multidimensional profiling. [24] [25]

Lastly, in the field of teaching professional competences, she evaluates the comparative efficacy of face-to-face and online methodologies. [26] [27] [28] [29]



Francescato has published 24 books, including the following.

On gender studies

  • Francescato, D. & Francescato G. (1974). Famiglie Aperte: la comune, (Open families: the commune).Milano: Feltrinelli.
  • Francescato, D. (1992, republished with new introductions in 2002 and in 2012). Quando l’amore finisce(When Love Ends). Bologna: Il Mulino. Translated in Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Francescato, D. (1994).Figli sereni di amori smarriti. Ragazzi e adulti dopo la separazione (Serene Children of Lost Loves: Children and Adults after Parental Separation). Milano:Mondadori. Republished in 2012, Milano: Corriere della Sera. Translated in Spanish and Portuguese.
  • Francescato, D. & Pasini, W. (1999). Il coraggio di cambiare (The Courage to Change). Milano: Mondadori. Translated in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Japanese and (in press) Chinese.

On community psychology

  • Francescato, D. (1977). Psicologia di comunita’ (Community Psychology). Milano: Feltrinelli.
  • Francescato, D., Putton, A. & Cudini S. (1986). Star bene insieme a scuola.Strategie per un’educazione socio-affettiva dalle materne alla media inferiore. (Getting Along Together in Schools: Strategies of Socio-affective Education from Nursery to Junior High School). Roma: Carocci. (Twenty reprintings, latest 2016).
  • Francescato, D., Tomai, M. & Ghirelli, G. (2002).Fondamenti di psicologia di comunita’. (Foundations of Community Psychology). Roma: Carocci.
  • Francescato, D., Tomai, M. & Mebane, M. (2004). Psicologia di comunità per la scuola, la formazione e l’orientamento. Esperienze faccia a faccia e online (Community Psychology for School, Training and Orientation: Face-to Face and Online Experiences). Bologna: Il Mulino. Translated in Spanish.
  • Francescato, D., Tomai, M. & Solimeno A. (2008). Lavorare e decidere meglio in organizzazioni empowered e empowering (Working and Deciding in Empowering and Empowered Organizations). Roma: Carocci.

Chapters in books

  • Francescato D. (2017) “A critical look at globalization processes and at the internationalization of community psychology.” In M. Bond, C. Keys & I. Serrano-Garcia (eds), APA (American Psychological Association) Handbook of Community Psychology, APA Handbooks in Psychology, Washington D.C, Vol. 1, pp. 485–501.
  • Francescato D., Mebane M., Tomai M., Benedetti M., & Rosa V. (2012). “Promoting social capital, empowerment and counter-stereotypical behavior in male and female students in online CSCL communities.” In: H. Cuadra Montiel (ed). Globalization, vol. 1, InTech, pp. 75–108.
  • Francescato D., Arcidiacono C., Albanesi C. & Mannarini T. (2007), “Community psychology in Italy: past developments and future perspectives.” In S. Reich, M. Riemer, I. Prilleltensky, & M. Montero (eds) History and Theories in Community Psychology. An International Perspective. Kluwer/Sprinter, pp. 263–281.

Journal articles

Listed below are a selection from Francescato's most recent journal articles.

Related Research Articles

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  1. Orford, Jim (2008-04-15). Community Psychology: Challenges, Controversies and Emerging Consensus. John Wiley & Sons. pp. xviii. ISBN   9780470855959.
  2. "Istituto per la formazione di psicoterapeuti - Associazione ASPIC PSICOLOGIA". (in Italian). Retrieved 2017-04-03.
  3. 1 2 3 "Didattica - Facoltà di Medicina e Psicologia". Retrieved 2017-04-03.
  4. Lang, Peter (1998). Affective Education in Europe. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. ix.
  5. Francescato, Donata. "Strengthening community psychology in Europe through increasing professional competencies for the new Territorial Community Psychologists". Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice. She [Francescato] was the first Italian Full Professor of Community Psychology at Rome Sapienza University retiring in 2014.
  6. "Rice University Fifty-fourth Commencement Exercises Program" (PDF).
  7. Alain Robbe-Grillet and Nathalie Sarraute: two aspects of the new novel (Thesis). 1969. hdl:1911/90046.
  8. Reich, Stephanie, ed. (2007). International Community Psychology: History and Theories. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 364.
  9. "Donata Francescato". Effe Rivista Femminista (in Italian). Retrieved 2017-04-18.
  10. 1 2 Ornelas, José (2008). Psicologia Comunitária. Lisbon, Portugal: Fim de Século Edições. p. 382. ISBN   9789727542567.
  11. "Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology - Editorial Board - Wiley Online Library". doi:10.1002/(ISSN)1099-1298.{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  12. "Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice". Retrieved 2017-04-18.
  13. "PSICOLOGIA DI COMUNITA'". (in Italian). Retrieved 2017-04-18.
  14. "TERAPIA FAMILIARE". (in Italian). Retrieved 2017-04-18.
  15. Francescato, Donata; Tomai, Manuela; Burattini, Monica; Rosa, Veronica (2000). "Affective educations as a strategy for primary and secondary preventions in underprivileged schools and communities of Italy". Curriculum and Teaching. 15 (13): 103–115. doi:10.7459/ct/15.2.09.
  16. Francescato, Donata; Mebane, Minou (2011). "Donne Politische". In Catellani, Patrizia; Sensales, Gilda (eds.). Psicologia della politica. Milano: Raffaello Cortina. pp. 253–270. ISBN   9788860304001.
  17. Francescato, Donata (2010). "Dalle comuni degli anni 60 al cohousing del 2000". In Sapio, Antonella (ed.). Famiglie, reti familiari e cohousing. Milano: Angeli. pp. 170–185. ISBN   9788856825183.
  18. Francescato, Donata; Pezzuti, Lina; Mebane, Minou; Tomai, Manuela; Benedetti, Maura; Moro, Annalisa (2016-06-01). "Dispositional characteristics, relational well-being and perceived life satisfaction and empowerment of elders". Aging & Mental Health. 21 (10): 1052–1057. doi:10.1080/13607863.2016.1191058. ISSN   1360-7863. PMID   27248667. S2CID   4967290.
  19. Francescato, Donata; Mebane, Minou; Pezzuti, Lina (2016). "Nonni e nipoti adulti: verso nuovi pattern di solidarietà intergenerazionale". Terapia Familiare (112): 7–30. doi:10.3280/tf2016-112002.
  20. Francescato, Donata (2010). Amarsi da grandi. Vivere con gioia anni preziosi (in Italian). Milano: Mondadori. ISBN   9788804604594.
  21. Francescato, Donata; Mebane, Minou Ella; Tomai, Manuela (2004). Psicologia di comunità per la scuola, l'orientamento e la formazione: esperienze faccia a faccia e on line (in Italian). Milano: Il Mulino. ISBN   9788815099570.
  22. Reich, Stephanie; Riemer, Manuel; Prilleltensky, Isaac; Montero, Maritza (2007). International Community Psychology: History and Theories. Springer Science & Business Media. pp. 430–431. ISBN   9780387495002.
  23. Francescato, Donata; Mebane, Minou; Benedetti, Maura; Veronica, Rosa; Solimeno, Andrea; Tomai, Manuela. "Empowering students, teachers, non-teaching staff and parents in a troubled high school through community psychology multidimensional interventions" (PDF). Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice. 1: 1–12.
  24. Francescato, Donata; Solimeno, Andrea; Mebane, Minou Ella; Tomai, Manuela (2009-09-01). "Increasing students' perceived sociopolitical empowerment through online and face-to-face community psychology seminars". Journal of Community Psychology. 37 (7): 874–894. doi:10.1002/jcop.20338. ISSN   1520-6629.
  25. Francescato, Donata (2009). "Salient characteristics of European community psychology: Past achievements and future challenges". In Vasquez Riverai, Carlos (ed.). International Community Psychology: Shared Agendas in Diversity. San Juan: University of Puerto Rico Press. pp. 68–103.
  26. Tomai, Manuela; Rosa, Veronica; Mebane, Minou Ella; D’Acunti, Alessia; Benedetti, Maura; Francescato, Donata (2010). "Virtual communities in schools as tools to promote social capital with high schools students". Computers & Education. 54 (1): 265–274. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.08.009.
  27. Mebane, Minou; Porcelli, Rita; Iannone, Amalia; Attanasio, Carlo; Francescato, Donata (2008). "Evaluation of the Efficacy of Affective Education Online Training in Promoting Academic and Professional Learning and Social Capital". International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction. 24 (1): 68–86. doi:10.1080/10447310701771498. ISSN   1044-7318. S2CID   29497773.
  28. Francescato, Donata; Mebane, Minou; Porcelli, Rita; Attanasio, Carlo; Pulino, Marcella (2007). "Developing professional skills and social capital through computer supported collaborative learning in university contexts". International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 65 (2): 140–152. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2006.09.002.
  29. Francescato, Donata; Porcelli, Rita; Mebane, Minou; Cuddetta, Marcella; Klobas, Jane; Renzi, Paolo (2006). "Evaluation of the efficacy of collaborative learning in face-to-face and computer-supported university contexts". Computers in Human Behavior. 22 (2): 163–176. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2005.03.001.