Dorsa Mawson

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Dorsa Mawson, from Apollo 15 Dorsa Mawson AS15-M-2667.jpg
Dorsa Mawson, from Apollo 15

Dorsa Mawson is a wrinkle ridge system at 7°00′S53°00′E / 7.0°S 53.0°E / -7.0; 53.0 in Mare Fecunditatis on the Moon. It is approximately 143 km long and was named after Antarctic explorer Douglas Mawson in 1979 by the IAU. [1]

The southern end of the ridge is located near Crozier M crater and southeast of ibn Battuta crater. It trends roughly northeast towards some unnamed craters between Lindbergh and Bilharz craters.

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  1. Dorsa Mawson, Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature, International Astronomical Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN)