Dragon Hunt (Shadowrun)

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Cover art by John Zeleznik Cover of Dragon Hunt adventure.png
Cover art by John Zeleznik

Dragon Hunt is an adventure published by FASA in 1991 for the cyberpunk role-playing game Shadowrun that uses some of the more fantasy-oriented aspects of the game.


Plot summary

Dragon Hunt is an adventure set in Seattle in which a badly injured and amnesiac young dragon hires the player characters to find out who he is and who wanted to kill him. [1] The investigation takes the characters into the seamier side of large corporations and the elastic ethics of some researchers.

Publication history

FASA released the cyberpunk role-playing game Shadowrun in 1989, and published several adventures and supplements for the original game. One of these was Dragon Hunt, created by Michael Lee and published in 1991 as a 64-page softcover book with cover art by John Zeleznik and interior art by Joel Biske, Rick Harris, Jeff Laubenstein, and Jim Nelson. [2]


In Issue 28 of White Wolf , Matthew Gabbert was disappointed in this adventure, calling the writing only of average quality, and questioning some key premises of the adventure, noting "it is awfully hard to believe that a dragon could crash into Seattle General Hospital without attracting at least a little bit of media attention." Gabbert called the adventure's greatest flaw its "thoroughly aggravating ending." Gabbert concluded by giving this adventure a rating of only a 2 out of 5, saying, "Unless you're feeling more than a trifle vindictive with your players or you're a mystery buff who doesn't mind doing some significant rewriting, I'd make like Eliohann the Dragon and just try to forget this one." [1]

In Issue 88 of the French games magazine Casus Belli , Mathias Twardowski called this "A scenario that makes full use of the magical background of Shadowrun, which gives it a unique tone." Twardowski concluded, "It's completely off the beaten track. Not to be missed under any circumstances, this is the quintessence of cyberpunk adventure." [3]

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  1. 1 2 Gabbert, Matthew (August–September 1991). "Capsule Reviews". White Wolf Magazine . No. 28. p. 44.
  2. "Dragon Hunt". Guide du Rôliste Galactique (in French). 2009-05-08. Retrieved 2024-12-10.
  3. Twardowski, Mathias (July–August 1995). "Portrait de Famille". Casus Belli (in French). No. 88. p. 39.