Earth Rights Institute

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The Earth Rights Institute was founded by Alanna Hartzok and Annie Goeke in 2002 and is a registered non-profit with offices in Pennsylvania and California and major partners in Senegal and Ivory Coast. Earth Rights Institute has a strong focus on ecological village development, land rights, and land value capture/taxation policy. Earth Rights Institute is a member organization of the International Union for Land Value Taxation, a United Nations NGO based in London and recently, a partner organization for the EcoEarth Alliance, an NGO stakeholder of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.

Incorporated in 2001 and recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the US Internal Revenue Service, Earth Rights Institute (ERI) takes an innovative[ peacock prose ] approach to join education, advocacy and research in building ecologically, economically and culturally sustainable communities in some of the world’s poorest regions. Earth Rights Institute advocates a model of development that supports the re-localization of development expertise.[ citation needed ] ERI believes that, in order to empower communities of the global south to manage and direct their own development, strategies and expert knowledge must be conceived locally. ERI is a United Nations NGO affiliate for ECOSOC, UN Habitat, UNCSD, and UN Finance and Development, and has the following objectives:

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