Elizabeth Meese

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Elizabeth Meese was an American academic who specialized in feminist theory. She was a professor at the University of Alabama, in the English Department, which named an award for her, the "Elizabeth Meese Memorial Award in Feminist Theory". [1]


With her partner, creative writing professor Sandy Huss, she has published essays that combine theoretical writing with fiction, as in the collection Lesbian Erotics. [2] An essay of hers in an anthology edited by Karla Jay and Joanne Glasgow, Lesbian Texts and Contexts, was praised by one reviewer for "suggestively wander[ing] through problems of meaning and representation, ruminating on the connections among desire, lesbian identity, and writing". [3]


Edited collection


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<i>Home Girls</i>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Feminist rhetoric</span> Practice of rhetoric

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Maureen Brady is an American writer, editor and educator. She is best known for her novels Ginger's Fire, Folly, and Give Me Your Good Ear. She currently lives and works in New York City and Woodstock, NY.

Elizabeth Weed is an American feminist scholar, editor and university administrator. She is the cofounder and, from 2000 to 2010, director of the Pembroke Center for Teaching and Research on Women, as well as the feminist studies journal differences, cofounded in 1989 with Naomi Schor.


  1. "Elizabeth Meese Memorial Award in Feminist Theory". English Department, University of Alabama. March 5, 2018. Retrieved October 29, 2020.
  2. Allen, Dennis W. (1998). "Review: The Marketing of Queer Theory; Queer Noises: Male and Female Homosexuality in Twentieth-Century Music by John Gill; Lesbian Erotics by Karla Jay; Out in Culture: Gay, Lesbian, and Queer Essays on Popular Culture by Corey K. Creekmur and Alexander Doty". College Literature. 25 (1): 282–288. JSTOR   25112368.
  3. Roof, Judith (1992). "Review: The Essentials of Lesbian Studies: Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers: A History of Lesbian Life in Twentieth-Century America by Lillian Faderman; The Safe Sea of Women: Lesbian Fiction 1969-1989 by Bonnie Zimmerman; Lesbian Texts and Contexts: Radical Revisions by Karla Jay and Joanne Glasgow". Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature. 11 (2): 355–61. doi:10.2307/464307. JSTOR   464307.
  4. Leslie-Spinks, Amanda (1990). "Review: Different Differences; The Difference within: Feminism and Critical Theory by Elizabeth Meese and Alice Parker". The Women's Review of Books. 7 (8): 15–16. doi:10.2307/4020721. JSTOR   4020721.
  5. "Reviewed Work(s): The Difference Within: Feminism and Critical Theory by Elizabeth Meese and Alice Parker". Nouvelles Questions Féministes. 16/18: 248–251. 1991. JSTOR   40602870.
  6. Rosenman, Ellen B. (1990). "Reviewed Work(s): The Difference Within: Feminism and Critical Theory by Elizabeth Meese and Alice Parker". South Atlantic Review . 55 (3): 152–153. doi:10.2307/3200325. JSTOR   3200325.
  7. Martindale, Kathleen (1993). "Reviewed Work(s): (Ex)tensions: Re-Figuring Feminist Criticism by Elizabeth Meese". Hypatia . 8 (1): 214–219. JSTOR   3810315.