Embassy of Ukraine, Brussels

Last updated

Embassy of Ukraine, Brussels
Embassy of Ukraine, Brussels
Location1180 Uccle, Brussels-Capital Region, Belgium
AddressAvenue Albert Lancaster / Albert Lancasterlaan 30–32
Coordinates 50°47′44″N4°21′38″E / 50.79543°N 4.36043°E / 50.79543; 4.36043
Ambassador Natalia Anoshina
Website Official website

The Embassy of Ukraine in Brussels is the chief diplomatic mission of Ukraine in Belgium. The embassy also represents the relations between Ukraine and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


The embassy is located at 30–32, avenue Albert Lancaster/Albert Lancasterlaan in the Uccle municipality of Brussels. Natalia Anoshina has been the Ukrainian Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg since 2021. [1]


The main task of the Embassy of Ukraine in Brussels is to represent the interests of Ukraine, to promote the development of political, economic, cultural, scientific and other relations, as well as to protect the rights and interests of Ukrainian citizens and legal entities that are in the territory of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

The embassy contributes to the development of interstate relations at all levels between Ukraine and Belgium, as well as Ukraine and Luxembourg, to ensure the harmonious development of mutual relations and cooperation on issues of common interest. The embassy also performs consular functions.


Following the proclamation of Ukraine's independence on 24 August 1991, Belgium recognized Ukraine on 31 December 1991. On 10 March 1992, diplomatic relations were established between Ukraine and Belgium. [2] Luxembourg recognized Ukraine's independence along with other EU countries on 31 December 1991. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were established on 1 July 1992. [3]

Heads of the Mission

Представники України при ЄС
11918 Dmytro Levytsky Dymitr Lewicki.png
2(1919–1921)Yakovliv Andriy Ivanovych Iakovliv.jpg
31992–1995 Volodymyr Vasylenko Volodymyr Vasylenko (cropped).jpg
41995–1998 Borys Tarasyuk Borys Tarasyuk-800px cropped (3x4).jpg
51998–2000 Kostyantyn Hryshchenko Kostyantyn Hryshchenko Agencia Brasil.JPG
62000–2005 Volodymyr Khandohiy Volodymyr Khandohiy cropped (3x4).jpg
72005–2008Koval Jaroslav Hryhorovych
82008–2010Bersheda Yevgen Romanovych Bersheda Evgenii Romanovich.jpg
92010–2015 Ihor Dolhov Ihor Dolhov.jpg
102016–2021 [4] Mykola Tochytskyi [5] Mikola Tochits'kii, ukrayins'kii diplomat.jpg
112021Natalia Anoshina [1]

See also


  1. 1 2 "Посольство України в Королівстві Бельгія та Великому Герцогстві Люксембург (за сумісництвом) - Персона". belgium.mfa.gov.ua (in Ukrainian).
  2. Українська дипломатична енциклопедія: У 2-х т./Редкол.:Л. В. Губерський (голова) та ін. — К.:Знання України, 2004 — Т.1 — 760с.
  3. Посольство України в Королівстві Бельгія
  4. Kitsoft. "Міністерство закордонних справ України - Персона". mfa.gov.ua (in Ukrainian). Retrieved 30 June 2023.
  5. Указ Президента України № №35/2016 від 4 лютого 2016