Equinox TV

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Equinox is a Cameroon-based television station. Soon after its launch, it became one of the most vocal critics of Paul Biya's regime.

The station was notorious for showing live footage of political demonstration against constitutional change in Cameroon which favoured president Biya's stay in power after 2011 when he is constitutionally barred from running for office again. The station was suspended from broadcast in January 2008 provoking widespread protest in Douala where it is based. It is even believed that it suspension was one of the remote causes of the February general strike in Cameroon against rising food prices, the cost of fuel and constitutional amendment which left over one hundred people dead (40 in official estimates) and state and private property worth millions of dollars damaged. the station has a myriad of interesting political programmes one of which is the popular 'Droit De Reponse' aired every Sunday from 12:00 currently moderated by journalist Sandrine Yamga. The TV is owned by business mogul from the West Region of Cameroon, Severin Tchounke, who also owns a critical Daily newspaper, La Nouvelle Expression. some journalists currently working for the TV station include, Herve, K, Vivian Kamwa, Nfor Hanson, Jack Ekwe Kingue, Sandrine Yanga, Julie Ngue, Chris Thobie, Roland Akong, Marcelin Ngansop, Cedric Noufele, Serge Alain Ottou, among others.

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Politics of Cameroon

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Paul Biya 2nd President of Cameroon

Paul Biya is a Cameroonian politician serving as the President of Cameroon since 6 November 1982.

Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement political party in Cameroon

The Cameroon People's Democratic Movement is the ruling political party in Cameroon. Previously known as the Cameroonian National Union, which had dominated Cameroon politics since independence in the 1960s, it was renamed in 1985. The National President of the CPDM is Paul Biya, the President of Cameroon, while the Secretary-General of the RDPC's Central Committee is Jean Nkuete.

Social Democratic Front (Cameroon) political party

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Ahmadou Ahidjo President of Cameroon (1924-1989)

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Prime Minister of Cameroon

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An attempted coup d'état occurred in Cameroon in 1984, when presidential palace guards unsuccessfully tried to overthrow President Paul Biya. The fighting that resulted began on April 6, 1984, and ended several days later. The coup attempt is widely viewed as one of the most crucial events in the history of Cameroon since independence in 1960.

National Assembly (Cameroon) parliament of Cameroon

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Constitution of Cameroon

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2008 Cameroonian anti-government protests

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Pius Njawé journalist

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