Erik Linstrum

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Erik Linstrum is a historian known for his research on the interplay between psychology, media, and British colonialism. He presently works as an Associate Professor at the University of Virginia. Linstrum's scholarship has focused on events during decolonisation, such as the Cyprus Emergency, the Mau Mau rebellion, and the Malayan Emergency. [1]


Honours and awards

For his contributions to historical scholarship, Erik Linstrum has received a series of honors and awards:

Published works (selection)

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Imperialism</span> Extension of rule over foreign nations

Imperialism is the practice, theory or attitude of maintaining or extending power over foreign nations, particularly through expansionism, employing both hard power and soft power. Imperialism focuses on establishing or maintaining hegemony and a more or less formal empire. While related to the concepts of colonialism, imperialism is a distinct concept that can apply to other forms of expansion and many forms of government.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mau Mau rebellion</span> Insurgency in Kenya from 1952 to 1960

The Mau Mau rebellion (1952–1960), also known as the Mau Mau uprising, Mau Mau revolt, or Kenya Emergency, was a war in the British Kenya Colony (1920–1963) between the Kenya Land and Freedom Army (KLFA), also known as the Mau Mau, and the British authorities. Dominated by Kikuyu, Meru and Embu fighters, the KLFA also comprised units of Kamba and Maasai who fought against the European colonists in Kenya, the British Army, and the local Kenya Regiment.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">French colonial empire</span> Overseas territories controlled by France (1534–1980)

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Decolonization is the undoing of colonialism, the latter being the process whereby imperial nations establish and dominate foreign territories, often overseas. The meanings and applications of the term are disputed. Some scholars of decolonization focus especially on independence movements in the colonies and the collapse of global colonial empires. Other scholars extend the meaning to include economic, cultural and psychological aspects of the colonial experience.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Decolonisation of Africa</span> Independence of African colonies from European powers

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Caroline Elkins</span> American professor and historian (born 1969)

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Decoloniality</span> School of thought

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Decolonization of knowledge</span> Process of undoing colonial influences on knowledge

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glen Coulthard</span>

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Malayan Monitor was an anti-colonial and anti-imperialist newsletter published in Britain which distributed information on the Malayan independence movement during the Malayan Emergency. It was edited by Lim Hong Bee, a sympathiser of the Malayan National Liberation Army who lived in London.

<i>The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought</i> 2023 book by George Steinmetz

The Colonial Origins of Modern Social Thought: French Sociology and the Overseas Empire is a book by American sociologist, author and academic George Steinmetz. It was published by Princeton University Press in 2023 and is part of its Princeton Modern Knowledge series. The book is a historical exploration of the development of modern French sociology within the context of the French empire post-World War II. Steinmetz argues, based on a prosopgraphic reconstruction of the postwar French sociology field, that around half of the rise of social sciences was intertwined with imperial efforts to control colonies, particularly between the late 1930s and the 1960s. Steinmetz goes beyond the "decolonial" discourse, aiming to uncover the feedback effects of colonial knowledge on sociology's ordinary production. The book employs a new methodological approach, blending contextual factors, intellectual dynamics within the social sciences, and close readings of sociological texts, to examine the colonial engagement of prominent sociologists like Raymond Aron, Jacques Berque, Georges Balandier, and Pierre Bourdieu.


  1. "Erik Linstrum". UVA. Retrieved 2023-08-19.
  2. 1 2 "Department of History | Corcoran". Retrieved 2023-08-14.