Euromethod is the result of a European project ordered and funded by DGIII (Industry) of the European Commission. It has been achieved by a consortium containing Sema Group (France), BT Group (UK), Cap-Volmac (The Netherlands), CGI (France), Datacentralen (Denmark), EMSC (Consortium of Bull-Olivetti-Siemens), Finsiel (Italy), INA (Portugal), Indra (Spain), and Softlab (Germany). The project Director was Marcel Franckson. The reference version has been written in English. It has been translated into French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Danish.
↑ Eurogroup Consortium and EC DGIII, 1996, ‘Euromethod V1’, Deliverable to the European Commission DGIII
↑ Franckson, M. and Verhoef, editors (1999), ‘Introduction to ISPL’, Information Services Procurement Library, ten Hagen & Stam, Den Haag, The Netherlands, ISBN978-90-76304-85-4
↑ Franckson M. et Peugeot C., April 1991, 'Eurométhode', in Autour et à l'entour de Merise, Afcet, ISBN2-90367794-3 , BnF35458807b
↑ Commission Centrale des Marchés et Ministère de l'Industrie, 1995, Eurométhode: un projet pour de meilleurs systèmes d'information, France, ISBN978-2-11-089405-2
↑ Franckson M., 1998, 'Euromethod: Méthode de gestion de la relation client-fournisseur', in Actes du Congrès Francophone du Management de Projet, AFITEP, ISBN978-2-9510150-4-3
↑ GPEM, CIIBA et CCM, 1994, Eurométhode: objectifs et enjeux
↑ Franckson M., june 1991, 'Le Projet Eurométhode', in Normatique.
↑ Franckson, M. and Verhoef, D., editors (1999), ‘Managing Risks and Planning Deliveries’, Information Services Procurement Library, ten Hagen & Stam, Den Haag, The Netherlands, ISBN978-90-76304-83-0
↑ Franckson, M. and Verhoef D., editors (1999), ‘Specifying Deliverables’, Information Services Procurement Library, ten Hagen & Stam, Den Haag, The Netherlands, ISBN978-90-76304-82-3
↑ Franckson, M. and Verhoef, D., editors (1999), ‘Dictionary’, Information Services Procurement Library, ten Hagen & Stam, Den Haag, The Netherlands, ISBN978-90-76304-84-7
↑ Franckson M., 1994, 'The Euromethod Deliverable Model and its contribution to the objectives of Euromethod', in Methods and Associated tools for the Information System Life cycle, A.A Verrijn-Stuart and William Olle editors, IFIP, ISBN978-0-444-82074-7
↑ Franckson, M. and Verhoef, D., editors (1999), ‘Managing Acquisition Processes’, Information Services Procurement Library, ten Hagen & Stam, Den Haag, The Netherlands, ISBN978-90-76304-81-6
↑ Verhoef, D. and Franckson M. (1999), ‘Risk Management for IT in the large’, CAiSE’99, LNCS 1626, pp. 57–72, Springer-Verlag, ISBN978-3-540-66157-3
↑ Verhoef, D. and Van Swede, V.,(1995), 'Euromethod', Kluwer Bedrijfswetenschappen, ISBN978-90-267-2232-5
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